Bully Me : Chapter 14

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[As promised the next chapter has been uploaded ! I hope you enjoy it ^^ !]

Chapter 14



Louis knew he was asleep; of course he had to be… there was no other explanation for why that voice was speaking in his head. 

He really wanted that sleep, his tired bones definitely needed that treat but he couldn't help turning his face in the direction of that voice, that voice which filled him with fear and excitement. Louis was still in his bed, his face turned sideways to look at the stranger who had intruded his dreams. 

Louis kept repeating to himself that this was all just a dream, a stupid fantasy that he wished to be true, but of course he couldn't convince himself for much longer. The presence of Harry in front of him was just too much to be a lie or just a dream. Like in most of his dreams, Harry stood leaning against the wall in front of the bed, wearing his famous black t-shirt and tight skinny jeans that left little to imagination. He wore that stupid grin on his face which showed his dimples in high definition, something that Louis loved. But this was all part of his wish...his dream right? 

'Hey...' Louis breathed. He wanted his voice to sound normal but it came out all husky and aroused. Since when did Harry have that kind of effect on him...Louis wondered? If this was reality shouldn't he be on the ground with Harry beating the shit out of him? Louis shook his head trying to clear his mind, hoping that he would wake up and put an end to this realistic dream. 

He looked back at the wall where Harry had been leaning, but saw that it was empty and there was no curly-haired handsome standing near it. 


'If you're searching for me, I am right here.' the voice spoke again and this time it came from besides Louis. 

Keeping his heart as calm as possible Louis turned to face Harry on the bed. If this was still a dream, Louis wanted it to stay like that and never wake up. This version of Harry was way more sexy than the real one. He could almost feel his warm breathe on the tip of his nose, and Louis couldn't help but wonder yet again ...was this really a dream? 

'Lou...do you hate me?' Harry asked, his soft green eyes holding such innocence that it caused Louis to melt into them. How could he possibly hate him when he was like this? 

Louis smiled and shook his head in reply to Harry's question. He didn't trust his voice to answer for him, it sounded all breathy and sexual to him the last time he tried talking. 

'Then...do you love me?' Harry cocked his head to the side and his penetrating gaze caused him to squirm on the inside. 

Louis had no idea about the 'L' word. It was all new to him and he hadn't given it much thought. He had always described his feelings for Harry as 'lust' and nothing more. He feared that someday it would turn into something much more, something stronger then what he initially felt. Louis wasn't ready for that and he knew Harry wasn't either. 

Heck! He didn't even know if Harry harbored the same feelings or not. 

'Maybe...' Louis whispered back. It was a logical answer as far as he was concerned. 

His answer made Harry smile and if Louis wasn't so confused about it all being a reality or just a dream he might have joined in too. But for now he kept quiet and watched the dimples deepen and beautify Harry's face a little more.

The sight was simply breathtaking and Louis wanted to stare at it as long as possible, but this Harry had some other plans in mind. He moved forward closing the distance between them and gave a quick kiss on Louis's nose. The gesture surprised him and he had no idea what was about to happen next. 

Smiling that beautiful smile and gazing down into Louis's electric blue eyes, Harry bent down taking his lower lip into his mouth and pulled at it. Louis gasped loudly and his mouth widened a little allowing Harry to slip his tongue in to his mouth. The kiss began as a soft passionate one, with Harry's long fingers roaming over Louis's arms, drawing soothing circles on it. It did relax him to some extent, yet Louis couldn't imagine this as being a reality. His heart knew that Harry would never treat him like this in the real world, treat him so tenderly like he was fragile and breakable. 

No, all the real Harry could do was hurt him, it was all he knew. 

The kiss grew, it became more intense and hungry, and like the one they had shared in the deserted classroom. Only this time it felt less possessive and more of the soft caring kind like this Harry. Louis loved the feel of his lips, the way they moved over his, memorizing the curves and the way his tongue felt against his. 

His body unintentionally leaned more into Harry's and he wrapped a hand over his neck. Harry responded immediately pulling him closer, taking his leg and wrapping in around his waist. Louis could feel the hard bulge in his pants rubbing against Harry's. The friction excited him, and Louis began to rub his body in rhythm to Harry's kiss. 

Louis began to kiss back, pushing away the thoughts of this being only a dream and not reality. He pulled Harry more into his body, clinging on to his neck for support as he felt the slow warmth building inside his body. The pleasure kept increasing with each stroke, with each pull of the lips and with each touch that Harry gave him. 

'I love you.' Harry whispered into his ears, nibbling it and causing Louis to arc his back against him. 

Louis didn't want to believe in those three words, because they weren't true. Not now when his practical mind was screaming at him, telling him over and over again that it was all just a dream. 

He continued to enjoy the sensations that rode his body. Louis let himself lose as Harry's mouth explored his, tasting him and kissing him all over again. It was wonderful and painful at the same time. His heart had yearned for this kind of love for so long that he refused to believe it was reality. Louis knew this would all end in the next second, when he woke up to face the cruel world in the morning. Yet he still hoped that this dream would last for a little while longer, until he was satisfied. 

His movements increased the heat in his body becoming unbearable and just this side of pain. Louis moaned out loud, but it was muffled under the kiss that Harry had captured him in. His body shook violently as the last stroke trigger the release and Louis came apart under Harry screaming his name. 

'That was lovely!' Harry kissed his lips one more time and then stared down at him with sparkling eyes. This Harry was truly happy about the make out session they had just shared. The content and happiness was almost contagious and Louis couldn't help but give him a small smile. 

'Lou! Wake up!' 

Louis frowned and watched Harry's face loom over his body. The boy hadn't said anything yet he was sure he had heard someone call his name. 

'Lou come on! Wake up!' 

This time Louis strained hard to hear the sound, trying to decide where it came from. As soon as he did so, he noticed that Harry's body had started to disappearing, looking more transparent as the voice in his head grew louder. 

'Louis you idiot! Wake up!' 

Louis's eyes snapped open and they landed on the irritated face of his sister. The girl was standing near his bed, with her arms crossed and feet tapping on the ground rather impatiently. He sighed. 

It had all been a dream after all.


[So...did you like it *winks* ? Was the scene good enough? Should I add more fluff in the next chapter? If you loved the story so far, please do tell me your thoughts about it ^-^ - love ya!]

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