Bully Me : Chapter 12

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[I am sooo sorry for the late update guys >-< ! I have been very sick lately and didn't have the strength to write much. I will try and update more later. Hope you enjoy!! ^^]

Chapter 12


Louis' heart hammered hard against his chest as they reached the end of the parking lot. Niall didn't seem to notice any change in his new friend and was still floating in his happy world. His feet planted themselves on the ground and Louis stopped in front of the white line that marked the end of the parking space and the beginning of the street. 

Niall frowned at this sudden halt and turned to look at Louis with questioning eyes. 

'What's wrong?' 

'Uh...nothing...maybe we should wait for your mom to come pick you up. I will give you company.' Louis thought up the lame reason and sighed when Niall nodded. The lad didn't seem to mind it. 

Louis had hoped that Niall's mom might get stuck in traffic long enough to give him the extra time he needed. The extra time he needed to wait out Harry who he was sure would be waiting with the other bullies just a few blocks away from his house. 

It was his favorite spot and Louis dared passing it every single day. Sometimes he was lucky enough to miss them but most of the times he ended on the ground beaten black and blue by Harry and his crew. It wasn't new to him but he was fast running out of reasons to tell his dad. Even his sisters had started to get suspicious of his daily injuries. He was sure they thought he was on some kind of drugs, probably the cause behind all the late night fighting. 

The other day he had found his younger sister, Brooke, who was just a year behind him, snooping around. She pretended to be searching for her lost history notebook, which of course she didn't find under his bed or in his closet or the drawers near the door. It was apparently in her own room she concluded and had slipped out of his room after Louis was done yelling at her. 

'Ah...there she is!' Niall waved at the black SUV that slowed down in front of them and the window on the driver's side was rolled down. 

'Hey baby!' Niall's mom was apparently well paid and also very pretty. Her disarming smile almost made Louis forget his worries and was suddenly reminded of his own family at home. 

'Mom, this is Louis... Louis, this is my mom, Maura.' Niall made the introductions, while his mom stayed in the car giving a brief nod in Louis' direction and then focused her attention back on the blonde besides him. 

'Come on, hop in. We need to reach home before your dad arrives.' 

Niall quickly walked around the car and to the passenger seat and jumped in. His quick hands fastened the seat belt around his body and then looked back at Louis. His mom too was watching him with curious eyes. 

'Dear? Are you sure you don't need a ride back home? I could drop you...if you like?' the pretty lady offered and Louis wanted to say yes, but couldn't. 

It was just his first day into the new friendship and he didn't want to ruin it by giving Niall's mom an impression that he was some poor abandoned child that needed to be taken care off. It was better to leave him alone. 

'Thanks for the offer ma'am, but I think I would be fine walking home alone.' Louis gave her his best smile and turned to face the other direction. He couldn't bare the sight of Niall leaving him to deal with the devil, or the thought that he had just turned down the opportunity to reach home safely without being bullied for the night. 

He mentally cursed himself for being so stupid and began to walk down the path that would take him to his house. It was approximately a fifteen minute walk but to Louis it felt like he was a solider preparing to go on battle where he knew he was going to lose. Yet his feet obediently carried him in that direction, even against his wishes, as if he was on auto-pilot, as if he himself had a death wish. 


The first five minutes passed quickly as Louis tried to decide whether he should take the long route to his house or enter the lion's den. His laziness eventually convinced him to be brave and face his bully head on and he chose the shorter road, entering the place where Harry and his friends gathered for their evening session. 

'Please don't be there...please don't be there.' Louis whispered in his mind and kept his eyes glued to the ground. In his mind he wanted to believe that if he didn't pay attention to his surroundings he would reach home faster, that if he blended in with the brick walled buildings Harry would probably miss him and then he would be back home, safe and sound. 

But of course, none of the above actually happened. 

The minute he entered the area, shadows shifted around him and Louis soon found himself in the middle of a deadly circle, with his nemesis - Harry Styles standing in front of him and the rest flanking his sides. He immediately began to back up, taking a hesitant step behind and then another. 

Harry however had no problem following his pace and just like in the dark classroom where they had shared the kiss a few hours ago, Louis found himself trapped between Harry's body and the wall. Zayn and the others fell back and didn't bother to join hands in what Harry was about to do now. His eyes searched the cold green ones, hoping to find some kind of emotion in it, hoping to find that maybe this time Louis wouldn't be beaten up by him. 

'Hello there Shorty...' Harry smirked as he leaned into Louis, making him bury himself more into the wall. As always Harry's touch disgusted him and excited him at the same time and Louis couldn't decide whether to be happy about it or not. 

'I need a favor from you.' Harry's eyes wandered down to his lips and Louis unconsciously licked them. The movement caught his attention and something dark surfaced under Harry's usually cool demeanor. Louis couldn't tell if it was lust or hatred, but it was definitely something. 

'What do you want?' he squeaked and Harry chuckled at his frightened voice. Their lips were barely an inch apart and Louis' gaze shifted from Harry's face to the group standing behind him and then back to him. Nothing seemed out of place except for Zayn's relaxed posture. 

In all of the fights that Louis had gotten into and had suffered under Harry's hand he had never seen Zayn release the tension in between his shoulders. Every time Harry punched him, Zayn's shoulders would hunch more and the tension in between his muscles would increase. But now his face wore fewer lines of worries and he looked close to happy. It was all very strange and unusual but his attention span was cut short when Harry punched him in the gut. 

'I need you to do this.' Harry hissed as his hand connected with Louis stomach and he buckled over, missing Harry's lips by an inch. 

Louis fell to the ground groaning and clutching onto something that Harry had thrust in his hands. His fingers traced the outline of the hardbound book and he looked down to find a notebook in his arms. Harry took a few steps back, standing under the street light and said the words that Louis had least expected him to. 

'I want you to do my math homework.'



[I know I had promised to squeeze some Larry action in there >-<, and I am really sorry that there isn't much of it. The next chapter hopefully will have more of Larry Stylinson in it ^-^]

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