Bully Me : Chapter 32

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[sorry for the delay >-< ! Here is the next chapter ^^]

Chapter 32


'He is not good enough for you, Ni.' Stan whispered as soon as they reached the corridors, separating the classrooms and cafeteria. 

'What are you talking about?' 

Niall had thought this private meeting had something to do with Stan, since he insisted on his presence. But here, Stan was going on about an entirely different matter altogether. 

'I am talking about Zayn, Ni! That boy doesn't deserve your company. He was a bully and will always remain a bully!' Stan fumed. There was darkness in his eyes, a rippling hatred that Niall hadn't noticed before. But it didn't seem like it was directed solely at Zayn, it was more deep and cruel, born out of some reason that he could neither see nor guess. 

'Why do you hate him so much?' 

'Why wouldn't I hate him? He has made school a living hell for students like me, who don't catch his fancy and are bullied because of it. Not everyone is as lucky as you, Ni.' Stan hadn't meant for it to come out in such a harsh tone, but Niall felt the sting in his words. 

Is that what Stan thought? Is that how everybody saw Zayn and Niall?  

The revelation was shocking and Niall found himself believing in it. After all, it was the only way he could explain Zayn's strange behavior towards him, his decision to keep Niall and not to beat the shit out of him. He hadn't thought about it that way, never thought that it was Zayn's sudden fascination towards him that had saved him from the beating other kids endured. 

Niall suddenly felt sick, as if the mere thought of him being a plaything for Zayn had churned up the food in his stomach.  

'Is that all you wanted to say?' Niall asked his voice low and full of confusion and anger. He was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't see the sly smile on Stan's face. He didn't see the evil glow in his eyes as Stan watched Niall's internal fight over Zayn’s presence in his life. 

'Actually, I wanted to ask you something else as well.' Stan gave the blonde a small smile, reassuring him that there was nothing to worry. 

But it was false hope. The seed of doubt had already been planted in Niall's head and Stan knew the boy would be breaking his head over it tonight. 

'What is it? What did you want to ask?' 

'Two weeks from now, I am throwing a party at my house. It won't be anything huge, just a few friends and some drinks. I would... I would really like it, if you could come.' Stan's face instantly changed from the smirking expression to one of nervous smiles and innocence that Niall believed to be real. 

'I am not sure, Stan. I might have some work or-' 

'Please, Ni. It would mean a lot to me if you joined us at the party...please.' 

Niall felt strange at being persuaded to come to a party for a guy he barely knew. It wasn't that he didn't consider Stan as his friend, he did. But the guy had become way too comfortable with him, calling him names and showing enthusiasm when Niall felt none. 

There was something more to Stan's unusual behavior, something that he couldn't place a finger on, but it was there. The fact that Stan was so open with him and over-friendly even when he knew nothing about Niall hadn't gone down well with the lad. His mother always warned him of such people, people who extended the hand of friendship just to gain something from you. 

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