Bully Me : Chapter 26

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[The next chapter is here! *cheers loudly* This one is dedicated to another loyal supporter of this story --->> @NiallandPotatolover !! Enjoy!]

Chapter 26


'He...he has everything.' 

Why would Harry say that? What did it mean? 

Those questions turned round and round in Louis's head as he stepped into the dark living room of his house. It was odd, the way he had said it, making it sound like he - Harry Styles, was jealous of Louis because he had everything. It was absurd and absolutely foolish to even think that he had everything. 

Louis was far from having it all. 

The heart of his family, his mother, had left their side. The grief of it had been unbearable and was still present in the very air he breathed. There was no way to fight it, nothing that could fill the empty space in his chest. 

His father believed in hiding his pain every day, wishing his children didn't see the torture he went through every time he stepped out of the house. But Louis saw it, Brooke saw it - the fear in his eyes, the guilt that stabbed through his walls of reassurance, destroying the peace he had managed to obtain. 

'It’s my fault...all my fault. I should have been there for her.' Mark Tomlinson had whispered when they took her body out of his hands. 

He thought it was his fault that Louis's mother hadn't got the medical attention on time. If it had, maybe her lifespan could have increased. It was a possibility that his father had hung on for a long time. 

But Louis knew better. He had heard the doctor's claims about his mother's case. She was on the last stage of leukemia; there was no return from there. They had tried the best they could, hiring expensive doctors to treat her illness, spending sleepless nights on the cold tiles of the hospital and taking care of her in any way possible. Louis had lost the ability to hope after the first few months of treatment but Mark had kept going on. He never gave up on his hope, the belief that there would be a miracle and his wife would be cured, healthy and bright, just the way she always was. 

It was only when she had smiled at him, the sad smile that spoke more than the emotions in her eyes that Mark had finally broken down. Louis had watched his father and mother exchange their last words, hands clasped tightly together and tears falling freely from their cheeks. It was the first and last time he had seen his father break, truly break down in front of the woman he loved. 

It had been too much for Louis to stand there and witness the fast dying love of his parents. He had run out then, slipping into the nearby washroom to dry his eyes before his father caught him eavesdropping on them. 

He didn't know what words his mother had fed Mark, but when he came out he was smiling, a full-fledged real smile that Louis hadn't seen in a long time. He hadn't questioned his father at that time, putting the sudden change of mood to being in shock. The disbelief that his wife was gone, truly gone, must have been too much for him; at least Louis thought that was the case. 

But, as the days passed by, the heart wrenching funeral of his mother and the burial ceremony fleeting by his eyes and blurring into a distorted image, Louis saw no change in his father. He had been the rock of his family as they had laid her down in the ground, speaking kind words, memories of their sweet moments. All of his aunts had sobbed on hearing Mark's words, but he remained calm, no sorrow or tear graced his face. 

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