Bully Me : Chapter 40

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[Really sorry for the late update >-< . Also I haven't proof read this chapter, so there might be some mistakes and typos. Please ignore them, and I hope you enjoy this chapter ^^. Cover by @LouisLarryLarrot on the side -->]

Chapter 40  



'Harry...' Louis whispers. He was still staring at the glittering ring, finding it hard to believe that it was his, that Harry had presented it to him.  

'Lou? Breathe babe...your face is turning a dangerous shade of red.' Harry whispered and chuckled at Louis's flustered expression. He quite liked this Lou, to the shy and timid one he was so used to seeing. That version of Lou would have never expressed himself, like he did now, with those soft smiles and cute stammering. If they weren't so busy walking towards the mansion, with the party in full-swing, he would have taken the guy to bed and kissed him senseless, just for blushing so sweetly.  

'Harry... I just don't know. I'm so...' Louis struggled to get the words out of his mouth, but it was proving to be a difficult task since all he wanted to do was cry and hug the boy in front of him as tightly as he could. He wanted to hold on to him and never let go. He wanted to stay by his side and exchange promises to never leave him ever again.   

'Shh...Lou. Please don't cry babe.' Harry whispered and his bony fingers brushed against his cheek, wiping off the stray tears that had trailed down his face.   

Louis knew his behavior was leaning more towards childish and stupidity, but he couldn't help it. The torrent of emotions in his chest had reached a new level, the minute Harry presented that ring to him. Their relationship had finally turned into something more, something tangible with the ring as proof, in his hands. And that overwhelming feeling of being accepted by his boyfriend - by Harry was what made him cry. They were tears of happiness, of having found someone who was willing to spend his life with him.  

'Here, let me put this around your neck.' Harry suggested and pulled him closer.  

His touch was warm and safe, just like Louis remembered it to be during their childhood days. He wasn't that bully who had tortured him a month ago. This Harry had changed for the better, he had changed for Lou.  

His body automatically leaned into the familiar scent that wrapped its arms around him, the smell that had become a part of his life. Every time he got a whiff of it, he automatically knew it was Harry even though the said person was several feet away. It never ceased to amaze him, how things had changed between them...so drastically. The boy he had known for so long, feared for so long was but a mere shadow, a mask. He was someone that Louis was made to believe in and cower under. But this Harry, his Harry was real and different. He was calm and gentle and so very kind, that at times he could have easily confused him with someone else.   

'Babe?' Harry whispered. His hot breath fanned against the sensitive part of his neck and Louis shivered. He still wasn't used to Harry touching him like this, with such intimacy in his voice and hands, that it was hard to concentrate on other things.  

'Yeah…' Louis hummed. He turned his face to the side, letting the soft fabric of Harry's t-shirt brush his cheek and give him another whiff of that tempting fragrance.   

'What are you thinking about?'  

Louis frowned at that question. How had Harry known what he was thinking? He couldn't see his face nor had he said anything, so how could he possibly know what was on his mind?  

Bully Me [Larry/Ziall | AU]Where stories live. Discover now