Bully Me : Chapter 49

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[Apologises for the mistakes :( ! ]


Chapter 49



Harry was angry. He was so angry, that he couldn't see straight, he couldn't think straight. There was a singular thought running through his mind - he wanted blood, he wanted Stan's blood. He knew there was little the guy could do to escape his wrath. And Harry was going to make sure, Stan was as hurt as Louis. 

They hadn't planned on entering the warehouse, not until the police had arrived, to provide them with some backup against Stan. Harry had laughed at first, wondering what could one guy do against twenty armed policemen. But then he remembered how Stan had efficiently kidnapped Louis from right under his nose. He was dangerous, and if pushed into a corner, Harry knew, Stan would become a potential and become mad. 

"Harry! Please wait!" Liam had call after him, trying to make him stop, but Harry couldn't. 

Not when he had heard that scream. 

His legs had started moving in the direction of the warehouse even before his mind had recognised that voice. The hair on the back of his neck had stood still as he crept towards the entrance to the warehouse, wondering if he had been imagining it all, whether it was all in his head. But then he had heard that scream again, loud and clear, piercing through his heart like a burning hot blade. Harry couldn't stop then, and he raced towards the metal door hanging off its hinges, hoping and praying that his Lou was alright. 

Even though the others had comforted him, assuring him, it wasn't his fault, Harry still felt responsible. Louis was under his care, he should have been responsible and looked after him. But he hadn't and now, he was suffering because of it... Louis was suffering because of it. 

The scream he had heard, made it worse for him. It held all the agony and pain, Harry wished Louis would never bear, and yet he had. Just a few inches behind that door he was being tortured by the monster Stan and Harry couldn't do anything about...till now. That single sound had broken the dam, pulled the lid off Harry's anger and the rage had flooded his mind. He was lost to it and nothing could reach him, except for Louis. 

Harry had barged into the warehouse, searching in the dark for the boy, but he couldn't see much. However his ears had quickly picked up on the muffled conversation from ahead and he had rushed to open the door, leading to the next room. 

Harry had hoped his Louis was unharmed, but what he saw made his heart stop. 

Tied to the chair, with his shirt torn open, his wounds bleeding and head bowed down, was Louis. And laughing over his misery was the monster, the good-for-nothing bastard Stan. That sight pushed Harry over the edge and he saw red. 

"Damn you!" he shouted. But before Harry could make any move, the boy called out to him. 

"Harry?" Louis croaked and Harry's feet stopped on their accord, his head snapping in the direction of his voice. 

"Lou? Louis! Are you alright!" a brief moment of panic swept over Harry, making him forget about Stan for a few minutes. He dragged his legs towards Louis, his eyes taking in the damage that had been done and choked down a sob. 

Horrible, red, gashes stared back at Harry and he knew he was too late. Stan had touched Louis, he had violated him and cut him up with a blade, letting his precious blood fall to the ground...Harry was too late. He fell down on his knees in front of Louis, and a tear slipped down his eye. His heart ached in his chest and he wondered if Louis would ever forgive him for what had been done to him. 

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