Bully Me : Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Harry Styles - age: 15 years 

Louis Tomlinson - age: 15 years


'Damn!' the distinct sound of the school bell could be heard over Louis' swearing as he ran across the well mowed lawn. The first bell had signaled his late entry, he didn't want to get detention for being late the second time in a row.

Louis pushed open the wooden door leading to the winding hallway and walked over to his locker. Ten minutes, he had ten minutes before the next bell went off, before he was told off by the teacher though he wasn't particularly enthusiastic about attending the lectures today.

It wasn't that Louis hated school, no; Louis loved school more than anything in the world. It was his way of escaping reality, his way of finding a valid reason to not go home and listen to his Dad abuse his fate.

He walked to his classroom dreading the scene that would meet his eyes; he wondered what they had planned for him today. At one time Louis would have jumped with joy at attending History classes, his favorite but now he hated it.

Ever since Harry Styles made him the target of his daily bullying Louis was afraid of going to school, afraid of the surprise attack he might suffer. His would be friends had ran away from him when the news of his relation with the school bully made the headlines of the school newspaper.

Louis sighed and entered the den.

As predicted, Harry and his gang of goons were sprawled all over the place and very close to his seat. He usually preferred the desk at the back which hid Louis from all the taunts Harry threw at him, but his luck had ran out on him today. Harry was waiting for him to approach his seat.

Louis turned around preparing to make his way to the front in the hopes of finding a place near the teacher's desk, but the whole classroom had filled in as he had stood staring at his bully plotting ways to escape him. Shaking his head in disdain and fearing for the worst Louis took tiny steps towards the back.

'Hey Lou!' Harry called in a sickly sweet voice, the ever present evil smirk glued to his face.

Louis was now close to his seat as well as to Harry who didn't bother to get up from his place. Not knowing what else to do Louis dragged his legs over to his bench but of course it was something Harry didn't wish for to happen.

A leg appeared in front of Louis causing him to trip and fall head first on to his face. His chin made contact with the tiled floor and he could taste blood in his mouth, probably from biting his tongue too hard. He got up making no attempt to defend himself and proceeded to the back but was again stopped by Harry.

'Oh lookie! The faggot finally decided to act more girly!' Harry's big hand grabbed Louis by his chin forcing him to look into his eyes. His skin burned and Louis fought against the strange feelings he got from that one single touch.

The makeup that Louis had applied to hide his bruises was smeared onto Harry's hand and more came off as he roughly wiped it off from under Lou's right eye.

'Does your mommy know about your fantasies Lou? Does she know that you play dress-up with her makeup?' Harry asked in an all too innocent voice and everyone present in the classroom was hanging on his words.

Louis would have taken such kind of abuse any day but today was different, today was supposed to be normal and not of the gloomy remembrance of his mother. Louis had still to make peace with the pain in his heart, the pain of having lost his mother. Harry had crossed the line by probing at the forbidden topic.  

Something inside of Louis snapped and he pushed Harry with all of his strength causing the lanky guy to fall off his seat. The guys snickered a little but fell silent when Harry threw death glares at them.

'You ok dude?' Zayn loomed over Harry but he ignored him. His eyes were fixed on the blue-eyed guy who looked glared back at him.

'How dare you!'

'Not today Harry, not today. Just let me be and leave me alone.' Louis whispered the pain still splashed on his feminine features. Harry growled and was about to beat the shit out of the shorter lad but the second bell went off putting an abrupt end to their conversation.

Louis breathed in relief as their History teacher Mr. Gerard entered the classroom and silence fell upon the class.

'Saved by the bell.' Harry muttered under his breath and sat behind him. Lou stiffened not comfortable with his bully sitting behind him. He could think of all the possible stuff Harry could do while Louis sat there bare and hopeless.

But nothing of the sorts happened during the entire class except for the holes burning into his back. Lou could tell Harry was furious and he was waiting for an opportunity to take him.

He could only hope it wouldn't be as worst as the last time.


Bully Me [Larry/Ziall | AU]Where stories live. Discover now