Bully Me : Chapter 34

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[hey guys! I am so sorry for the late update, but I have been extremely busy these few days. I know this is a kinda short chapter >-< ! But I hope you like it ^^ and once again thanks a lot for all the support you guys have shown this story !! *hugs*]

Chapter 34


'Can't you...slow down a bit!' Niall yelled over the deafening sound of Zayn's bike, as they sped past the streets. 

The Irish boy was almost blinded by the cold wind biting into his skin and the continuous watering of his eyes. He was silently regretting his decision to ditch Louis for this madman. 

Yes, he had just called Zayn a madman, because Niall couldn't think of a better way to describe the way Zayn was cutting across the roads and breaking almost all of the traffic rules, other than a junkie who got kicks out of driving too fast and riding at neck-break speed. Even with the sturdy helmet that Zayn had given him, Niall doubted it would provide him any kind of protection with the way they were going. At this speed even if a single pebble was dropped their way, it would send them flying into the sky. 

'Zayn! Could you please slow down!' Niall yelled again. This time he grabbed hold of the leather jacket that was flapping at his side and pulled it with all his might. 

The sudden jerk caught the boy's attention and Zayn turned sideways to glare at Niall from the rearview. 


'Could you please...slow down? It’s dangerous to travel at such high speed!' 

Niall's voice had gone hoarse from all the shouting and he couldn't hear anything except for the whistling of air past his ears. His teeth had begun to chatter from the cold that was slowly creeping into his bones and his knuckles had turned deathly white from the tight grip he had on Zayn's jacket. He had closed his eyes the very second that Zayn had thrown away the idea of riding safely and began rushing through the crowd and traffic. 

Niall opened his eyes a little and peeked out, to find the dark haired beauty staring at him intently. He held his breathe wondering what was going on in that thick skull when Zayn sighed and then gave a quick nod. 

At first Niall was sure Zayn hadn't heard him clear enough, because the boy, to his great horror increased the speed and the bike shot forward with more force. His body reacted to the sudden pull causing him to collide with Zayn's broad chest, pressing hard against his warm leather jacket while his hands slid around his waist, on their own accord. His grip on the jacket tightened even more, if that was possible and Niall ready himself for another torturous ride. But to his surprise nothing of the sorts happened. In fact it was quite the opposite. 


Niall had no idea what was going on, one second they had been rushing down the many lanes and the next second, they had slowed down. 

The bike coughed up a few more bursts of smoke, before coming to a standstill, a few blocks away from Niall's house. The confused blonde looked from one side to other, his body still in a state of motion and his eyes trying hard to focus on the stationery objects in front of him. There was a slight buzzing in his ears, probably the side effects of seating on the bike for too long, or so Niall thought. 

He was very aware of the negligible distance between Zayn's back and his chest, which were practically glued together. Just the feel of the rough leather was making his body hot and his nipples hard, even though a layer of fabric separated them from the actual material. Niall waited for Zayn to say something, to tell him off and label him as one extremely horny gay. 

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