Bully Me : Chapter 24

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[*niall's voice* ello ! One more new update in just twenty-four hours...because I LOVE YOU GUYS !! The support has been amazing ^^ I am simply blown away by all of it! thank you so much >-< ! Hope you enjoy the chappie. This chapter is dedicated to one very sweet, supporting, loyal and awesome friend of mine - @shachi1298 . I love you *hugs* thanks for all the support dear.]

Chapter 24


What am I doing here? Zayn thought, as he watched Niall with hooded eyes. 

His plans had never involved meeting with the Irish boy nor had he guessed that this brunch would turn out to be some sort of date. But to say no, to Niall was something he couldn't do. It was the only reason why he had agreed on joining their company, to keep that smile on Niall's face. 

He couldn't explain why it was such a disheartening sight to see Niall sad, to see those bright azure blue eyes lose their shine and darken with disappointment. There was this strange urge to keep that boy happy and for some reason the Bradford lad didn't mind it...at all. 

Zayn had planned on meeting Harry today. That idiot was whining about being home alone for so long that he had given up trying to reason with him and decided to drop by. But luck ran out on him that morning and his bike, his precious baby, broke down in the middle of the road. 

After a few agonizing hours of walking with his bike dragging behind him, Zayn had spotted a mechanic round the corner. The man clad in his official blue uniform had rushed towards him when he pulled out a wad of notes from his jacket. 

Zayn was in no mood to hand over his bike to some unknown guy even if he was the designated mechanic he proposed to be. It took another hour of convincing from the young guy and a very real threat from Zayn to handle his baby with care, to let go of the bike. 

There was not much option left for him after that, other than travel on foot to Harry's place. 

'Zayn?' he looked up to find Niall staring at him. 

'Don't you wanna order something?' 

'No. I am not hungry.' 

Zayn wanted to get out of the café as soon as possible. If Harry found out about this blind date, there would be no end to the torture he would have to suffer. He could almost hear Harry incredulous voice chiding him about going on a date with the Blondie. 

He sighed and turned his attention back to Niall. 

His eyes almost popped out of his head, when he counted the number of dishes spread in front of Blondie. There was the usual ham burger, pasta with suspicious green gravy dripping from it, chocolate milkshake and a big slice of cheese pizza. Niall had already stuffed half the burger in his mouth. 

'Are you going to eat all of that?' Zayn hastily stifled the disbelief in his voice. 

How could he eat so much? The guy was almost the same size as him, but his appetite was twice that of Zayn's! 

Hearing the accusation in Zayn's voice, Niall immediately stopped gobbling down his food and swallowed the last piece of hamburger present in his mouth. The thought of food had made Niall so happy that he had forgotten how it might look to Zayn. 

Now, the guy would probably see him as a pig and nothing more. Niall groaned on the inside and shook his head. What had he done? 

'I ordered for you too...' Niall made a vague gesture in direction of the half-finished food. 

Bully Me [Larry/Ziall | AU]Where stories live. Discover now