Bully Me : Chapter 39

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[Thanks to everybody who has voted and commented on this story and all the silent readers too ^^ it really means a lot to me! I hope you enjoy this chapter! ]

Chapter 39



'Damn! I knew it was a bad idea to come here...' Louis cursed and began to fidget with the hem of his t-shirt. 

His eyes took in the huge mansion that Stan had rented to throw this 'small-party' which was anything but that. It rose from the ground like a pristine and elegant white swan, a symbolism of power and authority. From its magnificent exterior and decorations, Louis had no doubt in his mind that Stan had some very rich friends or that he got lucky with the owner of this miniature castle. 

The place could probably fit an entire stadium in it or maybe that was just how it seemed to Lou right now. He felt incredibly small and insignificant in front of the dwindling crowd, scattered on the lawn and some bobbing to the loud music streaming from the wide open doors. 

It looked like, Stan had managed to string almost all of his classmates and some seniors too, who were using every opportunity they could, to show off their superiority. Some had managed to pick fight with their juniors while the others were slipping alcohol into the drinks of unaware strangers. 

Loud laughter sprung up from every direction, making Louis's head throb with a dull ache. He was silently wishing for the peace of his home and the irritating voice of his sister, then these paparazzi, which was sure to turn heads once they knew who Harry's date was. He could almost see it in his mind, the death glares he would be caught in between, once the cheerleading squad knew the truth about them. It made him want to cringe on the inside. 

'You don't have to be so nervous Lou. You look fine, especially with that hair-do.' Niall whispered besides him and giggled. 

Well, there was some truth in Niall's words. He did look good and somewhat handsome in the outfit he was wearing. It wasn't anything flashy, just a simple grey t-shirt with 'TOMMO' printed on it and black skinny jeans. His lean figure looked more prominent in them and Louis's porcelain white skin stood out in stark contrast with the black. 

Brooke had styled his hair to look more like a chicken's head than anything else, but surprisingly it suited him. The spikes up front, made his jaws standout and his slight feminine features were enhanced. Over all it was a startling make-over from the nerdy Louis he used to be, and still was on the inside. 

'Do you think he would like it?' Louis asked. His eyes glued on the door leading to the garage, where Harry and Zayn had after dropping them off at the entrance of the mansion.  

'Of Couse he would. Why do you -' Niall stopped mid-sentence and gave a small gasp, which caused Louis to turn around and wonder what the commotion was about? 

If he hadn't turned then maybe he wouldn't have been frozen in place. If he hadn't seen the two Greek gods, then his breathing would have been perfectly normal – instead of being knocked out of his lungs and making him completely breathless. If - 

'Yummy...' someone whispered besides him and whistled a slow sexy tune. It sounded very familiar and closeby. 


'Did you...did you just whistle right now?' Louis asked. His gaze was still fixed upon the duo who had just returned from a short trip to the garage and where now making their way towards them. 

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