Bully Me : Chapter 25

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[heya! The next chapter is up! ^^ this chapter is dedicated to a fellow wattpad member who wishes wattpad marriages were legal ! lol ! - @mellydimpels . I hope you enjoy reading this ^-^ !]

Chapter 25


'Niall? Niall! Wake up dammit!' 

Zayn stared at the limp body in his arms, the dead weight of it pulling him downwards as he fought to stand straight. 

Niall wasn't heavy but the cold dread and crippling fear running through his veins, caused Zayn to gasp as he held on to the boy, willing for him to wake up. His skin had lost the light pink blush, taking on a milky white complexion that made him look ghostly. If it wasn't for the uneven rising of his chest, Zayn would have believed Niall to be dead. 

'Breathe! Just breathe Blondie!' Zayn muttered and shook Niall as hard as possible. His head lolled to the side, his hands hanging down and eyes closed to the tension building inside of Zayn. It was a sight that looked way more gruesome then he wanted it to be. 

Bile rose to his throat, the bitter taste of it spreading on his tongue and stealing away the remaining fresh air from his lungs. Zayn felt helpless, so utterly helpless and lost. He realized that there was nothing he could do to help the Blondie, except wait and call for help. 

He scanned the neighborhood with its unfamiliar surroundings and dimly lit houses. No one peeked out of those windows, or pulled open the door to help him. Should he shout? Would that get their attention or prove more of a nuisance? 


What was he supposed to do? He barely remembered the address Niall had told him, having given him a deaf ear back then. All he could recall from his sluggish memory were the words Niall had said before he fainted. 

'Panic attack.' 

Those words brought with them more questions regarding Niall's condition. Why did he have a panic attack now, in such a place, at such a time? What had caused this reaction? 

Zayn played the scenes in his head- the café and their supposedly stupid date, their slow boring walk back home, the sudden change of Niall's behavior and him almost falling down in the puddle of rain water. The boy had fainted a few seconds after that. 

'Uh...' Niall's eyes fluttered open, the blue irises moving under the half-closed eyelids. 

'Blondie? Are you awake? Can you hear me?' Zayn gave him another push and Niall groaned. His eyebrows furrowed together, as if he were in deep thought and then smoothened out. His head fell onto Zayn's arm and his eyes closed a moment later. 

Niall had slipped back into the unconscious world. 

'Idiot.' Zayn whispered. His arms shifted in position, one holding Niall by his shoulders and the other pulling him up by his knees. The fragile body fit perfectly in Zayn's muscular arms and he began to walk in the opposite direction, searching for someone who might be able to help them. 

Zayn hadn't covered much of the distance, when he noticed a guy standing in front of a two-storey house. It was an average sort of brick-walled home, with its pastel green paint peeling at the edges and its windows closed to the outside world, except for the one on the ground-level which had light streaming out of it. The man's hand was still gripping the five-foot wrought-iron gate that led into the house, as if he had just stepped out for a walk. Maybe he had. 

Bully Me [Larry/Ziall | AU]Where stories live. Discover now