Bully Me : Chapter 9

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[ello! Since I promised you guys an update on Tuesday (its Tuesday at my place), here is the next chapter! I hope you enjoy! This chapter is dedicated to another loyal supporter of this story @sophieluvs and I love her >-< for being so awesome! lol!]

Chapter 9


Louis’ mind felt like it would explode any minute now, the overwhelming emotions, the buzzing electricity and the tingling sensations all over his body were driving him crazy. He sat down on the cold floor of the dark classroom since his body was no longer capable of holding his weight. This strange kiss had sent all of his logical thinking into chaos, made his legs feel like jelly and let’s not forget the culprit himself – Harry. The anger inside of Louis was all directed towards him and for once it wasn’t because he had beaten him senseless.

He was angry because Harry had gone against everything he had believed in. He had kissed Louis even though he loathed the guy. And the worst of all he had liked it… may be loved it would be more precise in his situation. Louis had enjoyed the kiss a little too much for his liking and he hated himself for feeling like that. Yes, he was in love with the enemy there was no way out of that one but he could have stopped it, Louis could have stopped the kiss if he wanted to but he hadn’t.

At some point in between the kissing Harry had lessen the pressure on his poor lips, probably to see whether Louis was really into it or not. But of course he shouldn’t have felt any doubt in that category; Louis was enjoying himself way too much to realize that Harry was watching him. That he was watching how his lips responded to his attack and then he had taken the liberty to taste every single bit of him.

‘Shit!’ Louis cursed under his breath. He couldn’t stop caressing his swollen lips, a sign that it wasn’t a dream, a sign that Harry had in reality kissed him on his own accord.

But did it even mean anything? It wasn’t like Harry had a thing for him, Louis was sure of that? But then why had he kissed him? Was it just for fun, something new to try? Was he some kind of freak experiment for Harry?

The mere thought of it brought unimaginable pain to his heart and Louis sank lower on to the ground curling up into a ball wishing to forget it all…wishing he had never fallen for the monster whose lips would now haunt him day and night.


Niall had no idea for how long he had been running but the loud echo of footsteps behind him told him to continue with his escape strategy. He couldn’t risk being caught by Zayn, there was no way he was going to be bullied on his first day of school, and it was too soon for it to happen all over again.

He could feel his heart pounding painfully in his chest, his lungs felt like they were being squeezed from the inside and his breathing became ragged and constricted. Niall’s panic attack was kicking in and he had to stop before it got any worse.

Niall’s eyes searched for a suitable place to hide but he could find none, all he saw were long corridors with no living person in sight. There was no escape from Zayn now but he had to get away, he had no choice.

His legs were screaming for him to stop but he continued to run with all his strength hoping to find something that could help him escape the bully. A sign caught his eye and he slipped into gymnasium of the school that for some reason hadn’t been on lock down. Thanking his lucky stars, Niall raced across the basketball court attached to the gymnasiam and crawled under the bleachers. It was pretty congested in there but Niall’s small frame fit in well and he found a comfortable place to curl into till the time passed by.

No sooner had he settled down the door leading into the court was pushed open with a loud bang, making him jump in fright. Zayn stepped inside, panting and leaning on the door frame for support. His face was drenched in sweat and he looked angry, very angry. Niall didn’t need to search for his eyes to know he was going to be killed; the tight lipped smile told him everything.

‘You think you can out run me, Blondie?’ Zayn shouted, his voice echoing off the empty walls and making it sound louder.

Niall cringed at the rage in his voice and curled more into his hiding place, his hands placed securely on his ears to prevent him from hearing anything else. For a minute everything was silent, no heavy breathing and no cursing and Niall thought that Zayn had given up on him. He didn’t dare to move from his hiding place and decided to wait for a few more minutes.

‘Do you really think I would leave you like that Blondie?’ a soft voice whispered from behind him and a hand grabbed the collar was his shirt, dragging him out of his hiding place. Niall yelped in surprise and began to struggle against the hold but of course could do no harm to his captor.

Zayn tightened his grip on Niall’s neck and threw him on the floor.

‘Please…let me go. I ..I -’ before Niall could finish the sentence Zayn kicked him square in the gut and he screamed as the pain engulfed the lower part of his body.

‘SHUT UP!’ Zayn yelled pulling him by his hair and punching him in the face. By now Niall was sobbing and tears fell in quick successions down his pale cheeks. His big blue eyes looked up at Zayn as he pleaded him to let him go.

The sudden outburst surprised him and Zayn let go of his victim. Niall took that as a good sign and crawled backward trying to keep as much distance from the black haired guy as possible. He tried to sit up straight, leaning heavily onto one of the wooden benches but Niall’s body still shook from the pain of the punches.

Zayn had never seen a guy cry before, hell even Louis Tomlinson never broke down in front of the other guys even with everything they had down to him. But this guy, Niall was a whole different case. He had barely managed to hit him and he had started the waterworks.

Zayn hated it when anybody cried in front of him, especially if it was a guy. He felt disgusted by the thought that the boys could be so weak and he always got the urge to hit them a little more. They were supposed to be the strong ones and not crying babies! But looking at Niall crying his eyes out he didn’t feel disgusted, in fact he felt a sudden urge to run over to him and try his best to console the little guy...weird.

‘Damn it! Will you just stop crying already?’ Zayn pulled at his hair and stared at Niall with a confused look in his eyes. Niall couldn’t get a hold of him-self and continued to sob as Zayn made his way towards him.

Watching his every move with wide frightened eyes, Niall shrunk back even more when Zayn tried to reach out to him. Zayn sighed and dropped his hand, letting it fall on to his thigh as he came to a stop in front of Niall. Bending down, he quickly crossed his long legs and sat down in front of the cowering blonde.

‘Look, I am not going to hurt you ok?’ Zayn gestured with his hands in front of him; palms open in a peace sign.

‘So please stop with the tears.’ Zayn whispered and kept looking at the blue-eyed boy. Niall calmed down a little when he saw that he was in no danger of being attacked again. His jaw throbbed painfully and he could barely sit because of the injury he had received on his stomach, but Niall kept quiet about it all. He didn’t want to get Zayn angry again, not when it seemed like he was trying be-friend him.

Up close Zayn could see the other features that he hadn’t notice in the guy before. The abnormally pale skin that could only belong to the Irish, the tiny hands that were curled into each other on his lap, the baby pink lips that would have looked even more beautiful if they were wearing a smile and also the thin white scars that ran in a criss-cross manner over his arms.

They weren’t big or deep and had completely healed leaving just a reminder on Niall’s pale skin. As Zayn leaned in to see more of it he could make out a dozen others on the inside of his wrists, arms and also some peeking out from under his shirt.

‘What are those?’


[Yup. thats it for now. Since I am still in the 'Best Song Ever' phase I would like to ask you guys a question ^-^. Which scene from the BSE video is you favorite one? *whispers* I am waiting...]

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