Bully Me : Chapter 36

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[hey! Once again I am jumping up and down on my bed because 'Bully Me' has crossed 58k+ reads and has over 1200+ votes! yay! I love you guys for showing so much support for this story ^-^ ! Thanks so much for everything >-< ! This chapter is dedicated to a really awesome writer -->> Dream1234ever! The song below is my current favorite from the Midnight Memories album. I thought it suited well with the chapter.  ~ Half A Heart ~ ]

~ I am half a heart without you 

Half a man at best 

With half an arrow in my chest 

I miss everything we do 

I am half a heart without you  ~ 1D


Chapter 36


Harry pulled him closer, pressing his body against the very still Louis. 

The boy still hadn't responded to Harry's touch or pushed him away. His face was pale and blank, as if this revelation, this closeness was having the opposite effect on his body. 

Louis could barely breath, seeing Harry so close to him, to his mouth that he could count all the freckles on his cheeks. How many times had he imagined it in his head? How many times had he dreamed of the Harry who would be this gentle to him and declare his feelings, true feelings to him without an ounce of hesitation or fakeness? 

Louis really wanted to enjoy the pleasant tingles that were running up and down his skin, every time Harry slid his fingers over his arm, but he couldn't. He was still in a state of shock and was trying to make sense of everything that was going happening around him. 

'Lou?' Harry's index finger touched his chin and forced him to look up into those clear green eyes, eyes that held a silent question, a pleading, asking him if this was alright. 

Louis sighed and closed his eyes. He let his feelings overpower the chaos going on in his head and concentrated on the warm hands that were draped around his waist and neck, ready to take him at a moment's notice. But he knew Harry wouldn't force himself on him, he was waiting for Louis to give him the signal, to tell him that he too felt the same. 

He didn't say anything, nor did he open his eyes to stare at Harry. All he did was give the briefest of nods, a nod that Harry had been waiting for. 

 Louis didn't care that he had made a promise to himself, to never forgive Harry. If it hurt so much to stay away from his bully, to stop looking into those eyes that held so many feelings in them, real feelings that Louis had longed to see since the beginning, was it right to hold on to that promise? If it was only causing him pain, just as Harry's rejection had caused him earlier, wouldn't it be better to just let go of it? 

But before he could think more about those depressing thoughts, a pair of warm wet lips pressed against his and a hand grabbed hold of his head, tilting him to face Harry. 

'Hazz...' Louis's attempt at breaking the kiss was half-hearted and the sound that escaped his lips was more of a moan then a plea for Harry to stop kissing him. 

'Hmmm...' Harry hummed and applied more pressure on Louis's lips, pulling at them and coaxing Lou to grant him entrance. His grip on Louis's waist tightened and his long fingers slipped under the hem of his shirt, brushing against Lou's cold skin. Louis gasped in surprise and in doing so opened his mouth to Harry, giving him the permission to plunge deeper into him. 

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