Bully Me : Chapter 15

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[Sorry for the late update guys >-< ! Been busy with other stuff. Enjoy!]

Chapter 15


Louis and Brooke stared down at each other, waiting for the other to speak. The silence stretched on for some time until Louis tore his gaze away from her shrewd hazel eyes and sat up, trying to appear as nonchalant as possible. 

His sister might be young but her mind was on the same level as all of the grown-ups in her school, she could smell a lie from a mile away. Louis knew there was no way to hide what he had experienced. Even with his stoic expression he couldn't stop his cheeks from heating up and turning a light shade of pink. 

Brooke remained where she was, taking in her brother's clutched hands that were clinging on to the bed sheet like some kind of barrier. His entire body was covered by it yet the blush on his cheeks and the sounds she had heard before entering the bedroom was enough to tell her what she needed to know. 

'Lou...' her voice was strained and the lips formed a thin grim line. 

Louis squirmed more under her scrutinizing gaze and turned red. Brooke groaned and face palmed herself, taking a step back from her brother. 

'It’s a good thing I was assigned to wake you up. Do you know how much of a problem it would have been if Dad found out?' Brooke hissed and Louis shrank lower in his bed. 

'I know...' he whispered. 

'Who was it this time?' 

The question caught him off guard and Louis gasped. Of course he knew Brooke wouldn't just let it go with only a scolding, she had to dig further. He had no idea how she was the only one who ended up being besides him when things like that happened. She already knew the answer but she still needed to hear from him. 

'It’s always the same...you know that.' Louis wanted to get out of this conversation, the sooner the better. He was already embarrassed about the fact that Brooke had caught him in such a state; there was no need to push it any further. 

'Shit Lou! You need to stop this!' Brooke wanted to press further. It wasn't like she was comfortable discussing this particular topic with her brother, but she had busted his bubble of happiness enough times, heard him moaning out loud more than twice to know that it was becoming serious. 

Brooke's face flushed as she thought about somebody else walking in on Lou while he jerked himself off. What would have happened then? What if the twins found out about it? 

They were young, fifth graders who had no clue of adult matters. If they found out that their big brother was doing something strange, it’s possible their dad would hear about it. Lou would be in big trouble if that were to happen. 

She sighed and looked back at Louis, who had bowed down his head clearly ashamed of what he had done. 

'Clean up and come downstairs. We wouldn't want Daddy dearest to know about it...now would we?' Brooke tried to laugh it off as a joke and slipped out of the room, leaving Louis to clear his mess. 

It was not until he heard Brooke's footsteps make their way down the stairs that he stripped off the covers. The sight in front of him made him cringe and he secretly thanked his stars that Brooke hadn't caught him doing it - naked. 

His black boxers were stained and the bulge clearly visible through the thin fabric. He was prepared for the stains after the dream make-out session but the erect manhood was something he had expected. To think that the dream-version of Harry was capable of doing this to him made the blush on Lou's cheeks grow darker. 

He couldn't help thinking about the possibility of it being real. If this was his reaction to the virtual Harry, he wondered what the real Harry would do to him. Would he be gentle like this one or rough and hungry like the kiss they had shared in the classroom? For some reason Louis wanted to experience the bad-ass Harry more than the sweet one. It made him feel all naughty and kinky. 

'Shit!' Louis swore as he realized just how much his body ached for that bully. Just the mere thought of doing it with him had got him all excited and hard. Shaking his head hard to rid himself of the graphic images that were popping up in his mind's eye, Louis rushed in to the bathroom. 

He immediately dunked his head under the shower and let the cold water drown out the heat that pulsated through his body. Even his thoughts had been corrupted by Harry Edward Styles, making his heart go crazy every time he thought about that dream, the virtual love of his life who could never compare with the real one. 

After what felt like hours of scrubbing his body, Lou stepped out of the shower and hurriedly dressed up in a pair of sweatpants. 

 He couldn't waste any more time, especially not today.


Mark Tomlinson was always known amongst his colleagues as the 'family man'. There was never a time when he missed out on the picnics or the occasional outings with his children. When his friends thought he would drown in sorrow after his wife's untimely death, Mark surprised them by becoming extra dedicated to his work and family. He made sure they had the best education possible, studied hard and enjoyed the love he showered on them. 

Mark tried to be both, a mother and a father for the kids and he succeeded even, but only up to a certain extent. 

There were times when Louis found his dad being too nosy about his school life and quarrels would break out, but it never went too far. Both of them loved each other too much to keep a grudge. In fact some of their neighbors could swear that they were the ideal family one could wish for, even with the tragedy looming above their head. 

Louis smiled as he heard the chattering coming from inside the kitchen, as he made his way down the stairs. He could smell the bacon and eggs in the air. His dad called it his special recipe but they all knew that he only boasted about it; because it was the only thing he could cook without setting the whole kitchen on fire. 

Sunday was the only day when his father dared to go near the kitchen. He took the full responsibility of cooking the meal for the kids and Lou for one day. Since Mark usually went on business trips on most weekdays, they decided to allot Sunday as the 'family time' day.

'Oh Lou! Good Morning!' his dad called as he went about making their breakfast, humming the latest song of One Direction to himself. 

Louis had no idea why his father liked that particular band or the tune of 'Best Song Ever', but according to him it was popular these days. It was also the fact that he liked the catchy music they produced. 

'Morning Dad!' Louis chuckled and sat down besides Brooke. 

Much to his surprise, she huffed and shifted a little before settling down a few feet away from him. It seemed she was still upset about Louis's dangerous habit. 

Louis sighed and began stuffing his mouth with the bacon. Thinking about Harry had ruined his mood once again and he thought about the task the bully had thrown at him. There was no way he could avoid going to his house... not when he lived right across to him. 

He groaned on the inside and cursed his bad luck. 

If this was the beginning of his 'peaceful' Sunday, Lou wondered what else was stored for him.


 [I know there is no fluff in this chapter, but hopefully there might be some in the next chapter ^^ if you liked this chapter, please do tell me. Don't forget to vote and comment on your favorite chapters ^-^ love ya - xxSMxx ]

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