Bully Me : Chapter 45

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[ Apologises for the late update >-< I have been very busy with my work and other stories :( I hope you'll like this chapter ! ^^ Also I haven't proof read it, so it might contain some mistakes. I will fix them up in a couple of hours :) ]

Chapter 45



‘If they have hurt Lou... I swear I will kill them and bury their bodies in a place where even the dogs wouldn’t find them!’ 

‘Calm down Harry! This isn’t right place of time to say such things.’ 

‘Shut up Liam!’ 

‘Liam is right, Harry. You need to calm down. We don’t know if Stan’s mother is involved in this or not.’ Zayn reasoned. He stood behind Liam, his broad back making it difficult for him to see Harry’s expression, but he knew the guy was beyond furious. 

For the past two days, they had searched and searched for Louis without any success. The party had come to an end, immediately after Harry had requested their fellow classmates to search for Lou. Most of them had tried and given up on the search after combing every nook and corner of the rented mansion. Nobody had seen Stan or his side-kicks even though it was him who had organized the party. After the announcement for the drinks, Stan had evaporated into thin air and no one had caught a hair or glimpse of him. 

Harry had kept on searching through the night, calling out for Lou in the dead streets and destroying anything and everything he found in the rooms – which according to Niall was the only way he could let out that uncontrolled anger. It pained Zayn to watch Harry behave the way he did. It didn’t matter how many times he convinced him to believe in Louis and hope that he was fine. Somehow, Harry’s heart didn’t agree with the ‘safe’ word. His mind was hung up on the thought of his boyfriend being in danger…fatal danger.   

Liam had considered calling the police, but Harry refused to cooperate. He wanted to kill the kidnappers himself and knew the authorities won’t allow him to go near them, when and if they caught them. Three days – that was the time period he had asked of his brother before they lodged a complaint, about his missing boyfriend. 

Lou’s family still hadn’t come to terms with their son missing. Zayn had seen Brooke break down when Harry had delivered the news, but that was it. The twins were too young to understand what was going on, and Mark Tomlinson had curbed his emotions and busied himself with the search for his only son. 

Zayn didn’t know whether to admire the man or worry that he might have reached the very edge of his suffering – like Harry. The guy had lost his parents at a young and now his only light was slowing disappearing. As for Mark, he had just recovered from the grief of losing his wife – losing his son would break him.   

‘Harry, please. This is our only chance.’ Niall whispered and walked up to where the curly-haired lad stood. He placed a cautious hand on his rigid shoulder, and felt a tremble go through his body. Niall could see that Harry was only pretending to be strong, but on the inside, he was broken and lost. He gave him a small squeeze, trying to reassure the lad and chose his next words carefully. 

To be standing in place where they could get their first clue about Louis, was something they hadn’t dreamed about. After spending hours and hours on the streets and running door-to-door to get information on the whereabouts of Stan and his friends, they had finally stumbled on to the address, where his mother stayed. It wasn’t certain as to why Stan lived separately while his mother still occupied the house inherited by her husband. 

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