Bully Me : Chapter 19

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[hey guys ! So sorry for the late update >-< ! I had gone for a family trip up north, but now I am back ^^ I will be updating more soon.]

Chapter 19


'Harry! Stop!' 

Louis's eyes were too blurry to see who his savior was, but he knew that voice. 

'Harry! Let him go!' Liam shouted again, his footsteps echoing sharply against the silent walls. 

Harry's nails had carved their way into Louis's scalp, the pain enhancing the buzz in his ears. He could feel the small droplets of blood oozing out of the small cuts. 

Lou thanked his good fortune that Harry had managed to control himself and not made him bald in the few minutes of their fighting. The lad was sitting on his back, his knee pressed into his spine, the pressure increasing upon hearing Liam's voice. 

'Liam...' Louis croaked. His chest burned with the fast depleting oxygen. The faint smell of varnish entered his nostrils as Harry pushed his head more into the floor. 

The wooden floorboards began to vibrate, indicating that Liam was now just feet away from the scene. His fluffy blue slippers filled Louis's vision and a strange thought entered his mind. 

Those slippers definitely belonged to a girl...why was Liam in possession of such a pair? 

'What the hell is going on?' Liam's long legs covered the short distance and placed himself in front of Harry. His muscular arms took hold of Harry's hand in Louis's hair, gripping his wrist and tugged on it. The already existing pain intensified and Louis screamed, more loudly then was humanly possible. 

'I am so sorry Louis.' Liam whispered and glared at Harry. 

The boy in question had by now stopped throwing blows on Louis's unprotected body. He was extremely silent, his wide eyes wondered from one person to the other as if he was seeing them for the first time. Harry's lips parted open and then closed again, his voice stuck in his throat. The hand that was buried in Louis's hair loosened but he didn't let go. 

'Liam...' Harry's voice trembled, a weak whisper that sounded foreign in Louis's ears. 

He had no way of knowing the expression on Harry's face, however he knew the bully was scared...shit scared. He sounded unsure like the young boy he had encountered in the room a few minutes ago. There was no anger or hatred ringing in that voice, only fear. 

'Harry...let him go. Please, stop hurting Louis.' Liam said in a much gentler voice. He shifted closer to his little brother and crouched low, his face at eye level with Harry's. 

'You..yo-ou told him about my parents...why?' 

Liam frowned at the question. It wasn't what he had expected. His bushy eyebrows knitted together in thought, wondering what would be the best solution to the problem. He was well acquainted with Harry's issues. The only reason he had told Louis about the tragedy was because he believed the boy would understand Harry and not push him away like the others. He had seen the same spark in Louis's eyes that had once shone in Harry's. 

'Yes, I did. I wanted to help-' Liam started but Harry interrupted him. 

His body shook and his skin glistened with sweat. To someone who knew nothing about Harry, they would have concluded the reaction as him coming down with fever or flu. But Liam knew better. 

'How could you!' Harry burst out, his voice crashed upon Louis's sensitive ears like a terrifying explosion. If he thought he had seen everything, this was definitely one of the unplanned surprises. 

The raging bully he had witnessed so many times was nothing compared to the fire breathing dragon in front of him. This version of Harry was more poisonous then Louis could ever imagine and his entire wrath was directed towards poor Liam. 

'All I had asked from you was to keep it quiet...to not share that part of my life with the outsiders! Especially not with this piece of rotting shit!' 

 Harry was now on his feet, Louis long forgotten on the ground. He was still trapped in between Harry's legs, but Louis preferred that to the monster who had been hell bent on pulling his hair out from its roots. His body sagged in relief for having escaped the torture but the feeling of guilt quickly squashed his moment of happiness because of Liam, sweet Liam who was bearing the fire meant for him. 

'Piece of shit? Louis is much more than some piece of shit Harry! How can you treat someone like that without knowing them? All you ever do is show them your ugly side, hurting those who aren't capable of protecting themselves!' the usually calm Liam had fast disappeared. He had been replaced by a red faced, annoyed big brother - the type who wanted to shove his little brother's head into the wall for not listening to him. 

Louis was getting the distinct feeling that, Liam and Harry had gone through this conversation a million times and this was no different, except for a small change in the scene. On any other day, this argument would have taken place over the dinner table, but today Harry had crossed the limits, he had gone and hurt Louis. That was something Liam didn't agree with. 

As far as he could tell Liam was a peace-loving animal and a gentle person. Seeing Louis getting beat up by none other than his brother Harry, must have awakened his sense of justice, causing him to rush over to save Louis. 

He was very grateful for the help, but Louis had more important things to do as of now. He knew he had to move fast. 

Right now, all of Harry's attention was focused on Liam. This was Louis's chance to flee and he sure as hell was going to take it no matter how much the guilt tore at his heart. 

'Understand him? Why should I care about him? All I had ever wanted, all I had ever wished for...was taken from me! But him...he has everything!' Harry was saying, however Louis didn't stop to listen any further.

He scrambled to his feet and slipped past Liam and his bully, leaving them to scream at each other to their hearts content. No one noticed his absence, Liam was busy yelling at Harry for hurting Louis and Harry was fuming over him for spilling his secrets. 

Louis took two steps at a time, jumping down the staircase. His slippery hands slid over the railings causing him to stumble on his way down, but he didn't stop. He had to get away before the devil made note of his disappearance. 

His eyes landed on the door, left slightly ajar by Liam when he had let him in. He grabbed hold of the gold-plated knob and yanked it open. Fresh air whirled around him, the soft evening light illuminating his path to safety. He could see the old rusty street lamp near his front door glowing, like a bright beacon of hope, beckoning him towards it. 

Louis smiled and raced down the well-mowed lawn, the only thing standing between him and his home. His feet carried him to the iron-wrought gate that marked the end of the Payne property. 

Pushing it aside Louis set foot onto the pavement and let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. Without a backward glance Lou speed walked to the Tomlinson household, his Sunday ruined and his head trying to erase the misfortune that had fallen on him that day. 

However, there was one thing that stood out from the whole ordeal, a simple sentence that would have meant nothing if Louis hadn't heard of it with his own ears. The words that Harry Styles had uttered with reference to him... 

'But he...he has everything!'


[I hope you enjoyed this chapter. *whispers* this chapter is little on the bad side...I think, but I promise to make it all better soon ^^ . I am planning on putting this story up for the Fourth Annual Watty Awards, so I need you guys to tell me if that is a good idea. Will you guys help me with this story and make it more recognisable? Would you guys support me in the competiton? I would love to hear your thoughts on this decision ^^ also feel free to leave your opinions, comments on the story so far ^^ - xxSMxx]

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