Bully Me : Chapter 46

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[  Also I haven't proof read it, so there might be mistakes >-< ! Sorry about that :(  ]

Chapter 46



Harry hadn't seen Stan before the night of the party. He had simply gotten a glimpse of him near the dance floor. The scrawny guy, with his dull green eyes was surrounded by his friends at that time. And yet now, those same dull green eyes with a hint of white in them, stared back at him - his mother's eyes. 

The boy hadn't inherited the wise look or the graying black hair that his mother had. But those pair of eyes was identical. And somehow Harry hated the woman for having such similarity to her son. It reminded him of what he had done and why they were here in the first place. He couldn't accuse her of kidnapping Louis yet. However Harry tried his best to give her as unfriendly look as was possible. 

'How did you know, we were here for Stan?' Liam asked. He was standing closer to the woman while the others were at the doorstep. 

Harry was in two minds, whether to enter the house in which the bastard was born or not to enter it and let Liam deal with the mother. Niall was avoiding seeing the woman, because Stan had been his friend and now he would be addressing his mother with suspicion. That thought didn't sit well with Niall. 

'He is my son, and I know what he is capable of.' she whispered. 

'What do you mean by...capable of, ma'am?' Liam added hastily. He didn't want to be rude to the woman even though she was on their suspect list. People gave away vital information, when they weren't under spotlight or knew they were being suspected - Liam thought. He could only hope that they would get their answers under this roof. 

'Just call me, Grace.' she whispered and sat down on the armchair in living room. Liam followed her and took a seat on the couch. 

'What is Stan capable of...Grace?' this time, it was Harry who asked the question. He had heard part of the conversation and as if on cue the fear in his stomach had started to grow. He had known Louis was in danger, and now hearing Stan's mother admitting to the things her son was capable of, increased his panic. 

'Its a long story.' 

'We want to hear it.' Niall quipped and sat down on Harry's right side and Zayn followed the suit. They all looked at Grace, in her pale cardigan and worn-out pants that hung loosely on her body. 

'Should I make something to eat?' she asked and began to get up. Liam got the distinct feeling of the woman trying to change the topic and distract them. 

'No!' Harry shouted and then mumbled an apology for being too harsh. He wanted to get to the bottom of this as soon as was possible, and the woman was simply postponing their progress of finding Lou. They were so close to finding him, Harry didn't want to let go of this chance. 

'Okay.' Grace nodded and sat down again. Her hands were clasped over her lap and her forehead was creased with worry. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. 

When she opened them, there was fierce determination in those blue eyes - as if to say she would no longer try to protect her son and maybe she wouldn't. At least Harry hoped so. 

'He was eight years old when we first began to see the changes in his behavior. It wasn't much to begin with, but as parents sometimes you know when you're child isn't following the norm and is different.' 

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