Bully Me : Chapter 6

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[ello *Nialler's voice* ! Since I love you guys so much for supporting me on this story. I have decided to upload the next chapter a little early then I had planned. I hope you enjoy! ^_^!  I have decided to dedicate this chapter to one of my favorite 1D fanfiction writers -->> @TheWayYouLookTonight , her stories are amazing and you should definitely go check them out ! ]

Chapter 6


Harry watched Louis’ retreating back with a sense of longing that he had never felt before. He knew it was wrong to feel like that and yet it felt so right. His eyes travelled down the back of this chubby boy, lingering on the firm ass that swung from side to side as if taunting him to touch it. Harry groaned.

Why was he attracted to this fag and not to someone else? Anyone would have been better than him…anyone but him! Harry couldn’t work out what was wrong with him. Was homosexuality contagious? Was he affected by it because he touched Louis? Was that it?

‘Harry, you ok man?’ Zayn was eyeing him with suspicion. Harry could tell that his best friend was thoroughly confused by his actions. He was sure they had all caught him appreciating Louis Tomlinson’s ass, which was by far the worst thing that could have happened to Harry in his fifteen years of school life.

But since Harry was the prided leader of their gang nobody dared to go against him. They all looked up to him and now Harry himself was setting up a bad example by lusting over their target, by lusting over the fag – Louis Tomlinson.

He couldn’t risk spilling his guts to anyone, not even Zayn. Harry knew Zayn would guard his secret, but he wasn’t prepared to see the accusation in his friend’s eyes. After all these years of hating on the homos Harry didn’t want to be called a hypocrite by his own friend. But that was the least of his problems… for now.

Harry was still unsure as to why he was suddenly developing feelings for Louis Tomlinson. He has been bullying the kid all his life and yet for some reason he was just beginning to find him attractive now. It was like Harry was seeing him for the first time, as if the than Louis Tomlinson never existed.

The bell rang signaling the beginning of the next lecture and Harry was forced to retreat from his self-loathing and rush into the classroom on the far right.


Louis’ feet pounded against the marble flooring as he made his way to the principal’s cabin.

It wasn’t his first time visiting Mr. Princely though. He had been to the office a number of times, but it wasn’t because he was at fault, but because his face ended up with bruises every time Harry was around. Everyone knew about Louis’ condition yet they were blind to Harry’s hatred towards him. For the teachers and staff alike Harry was the school poster boy who was kind at heart, got good grades and was at the top of everything. Leaving aside a few students who had suffered under his hand, Harry was liked by almost everybody.

The only time they ever saw this cool as cucumber kid break a sweat, was when Louis showed up. Nobody knew the real reason why Harry beat him up every single day. So they came up with their own reasoning.

Rumors of the new kid being a freak spread like wild fire and Louis quickly became an outcast of his class. Now he was the nerdy guy with a weird vibe. Everybody kept a safe distance from him as if he were a disease, though Louis liked to think it was more out of fear than dislike. He had no friends and no life, yet Louis managed to survive every single day with a smile. It was probably this particular quality that Harry hated the most. He had made sure that Louis’ lips were busted in such a way that now his smile looked more like a grimace than not.

Even though Louis was Harry’s number one target, he still had others who revolted against him, who secretly admired Louis’ courage to face the green-eyed monster again and again. Unfortunately Louis had no clue of this invisible fan club of his. If he did he would have been a little less depressed than he was right now.

Louis never hated Harry for what he had done. Even though he had tried a number of times, his heart didn’t allow him to think badly of this guy. He had always known he was in love with Harry since the first time he had glimpsed the curly haired lad in front of his house.

The Tomlinson family had moved in just a few days ago and Louis had taken it upon himself to find out everything about his neighborhood. It had been on one of these frequent trips that Louis had stumbled upon the well mowed lawn opposite to their house and had seen Harry coming out of the white-bricked house.

He had been a shy one back then; Louis had fallen hard for him since the very first day. He had no idea what happened later, but as the days passed by he saw less and less of the brown-haired kid until one day he gave up waited at his doorsteps, waiting for Harry to call him out to play.

As the years passed by Louis lost contact with him and when he finally did meet the guy he loved, Harry had changed. He had changed for the worst and now Louis had become his personal punching bag.

Louis stopped in front of the black mahogany door that still gave off a slight smell of varnish. He knocked on it twice and waited for the person behind the door to answer his call.

‘Come in.’ a gruff voice spoke from the other side.

He pushed open the door and entered the cabin, immediately stopping at the entrance of the room. Seated in one of the plush armchairs was a boy about the same age as him, his dyed blonde hair sticking out in all direction, his pale skin contrasting greatly with the dark leather of the armchair. He was staring at Louis with wide blue eyes, crinkled slightly at the end. His lips wore a small nervous smile, showing him the front rabbit teeth of the boy.

‘Niall, this is Louis.’ Mr. Princely began with the introductions.

‘Louis, meet Niall…Niall Horan.’


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