Chapter 1

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 The teachers talked animatedly during the meeting. It was a heated debate regarding a hot topic. A decision has to be made.Sooner or later?

" A second intake is preposterous!" Midnight shouted in oppose against the request made by the parents.

" YEAH, we already have a handful of students already. Why'd we wanna take more? " Present Mic implied.

" Even so, a second intake would get the media off our backs." Snipe said in a calm voice. " And the parents would stop sending these god damn requests."

" Hell no!" Midnight was at the edge of her seat now, " Look at what's happened lately, the attack at USJ, the Hero Killer incident and Midoriya's meeting with the leader of The League of Villains. Our hands are full."

 The principal, Nezu, listened to their opinions carefully. All Might himself was also considering their options. New students would be interesting but then again with everything going on, it could be risky. He looked over at Eraser Head who seemed almost asleep. His eyes looked tired as usual.

" Hey, Aizawa what do you think? " Present Mic nudged Eraser Head. For a moment, he was quiet.

" Honestly, at this point. It's all up to Nezu." He said and all eyes were on the principal.

" Hmm," Nezu had thought of this the whole day, " I say we give it a chance, " Everyone was surprised by his answer.

" W-Wait, Principal Nezu consider  all the factors here-" Midnight began.

" I know, but the second entrance exam will be...different." The whole room eyed him, wondering what he meant. " Only the best can get through, right? So, we just have to do a little alteration like the finals."

" The finals?"  All Might said to himself.

" Hold up, if we take in new students wouldn't we have to rearrange our schedules?" Ectoplasm spoke, " You know, the fitness test, internship, exams?"

" We don't have to," Principal Nezu said with a smile.

 The teachers listened closely to his explanation and digested every word. In the end, they all agreed. The result is phenomenal,  the ones who signed up are most likely to fail. The test was made to merely satisfy the parents' requests of a second chance, and to ensure no trouble for the teachers. It's assumed impossible to pass through the first stage, what chances would these kids have on the next stages?

 The day came and U.A. High was flooding with eager youngsters. Some had been here a second time, few were very new to the school grounds. They gathered at the hall and listened to Present Mic's explanation.

" Alright, so you kids get another shot at joining U.A. High. BUT, just as a head warning, this test is gonna be WAY more different." There was a mummer of confusion among the crowd, a young girl lifted her head from her notebook. Her hand stopped writing, her pens had 6 colours. The pages were scribbled with different hand writings. Almost like a whole conversation.

" So, there are like 7 stages, if ya pass at least three of 'em you're welcome to join us. but you can keep going through the other stages if you want. Those who don't make it will be failed. Understood? Any Questions?" 

A hand rose slowly. " I have a question." A soft voice spoke.

" What is it, girl?"

" What happens if we pass them all?" Her hand was still moving and writing something in blue ink. Present Mic smirked.

" Pass them all?" he chuckled. The way he chuckled made her hand stopped writing. " Heh, sorry but I'm not confident that any of you would even make it through the first stage."

 There was a sudden uproar, a small scent of fear. Some of the students have started leaving the compound. This course of action surprised the teachers, half the students were left. The remainder were directed to the first arena where they'll have to defeat one of the teachers. Eraser Head glanced over to the crowd before leaving he caught the eye of the young girl that had been writing before. Her eyes were a deep purple, either it was a trick of light that he saw shadows moving around the room. 

 A piece of paper slipped from her book. He looked at it carefully.

" The hell?" he said to himself as he read it.

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