Villain AU part 2

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" She likes to stare a lot." Mic stated to his partner while the girl was looking out the window, almost transfixed. Aizawa gave a grunt, he was in no mood to talk. Always the optimist, Mic came to her side with a playful smile. " Whatcha looking at?" Emi paused before responding.

" I...I like the view." She said in her motionless tone. Hizashi's eyes lit up with excitement.

" You do?" She nodded softly. " That's great! Shoto likes it too, that's why we bought this house. The view's great, close to work, a good home. Don't you think?" He swore this was one of less than ten things the girl would like. The way she smiled softly made his heart skip a beat. It was too precious. A coffee mug slipped from Aizawa's hand and spilled all over the floor.

" Damn it. Would you look at that. Give me a sec, then we'll go out." He said as he turned to get a cloth.

" I got it, Shota. You wait here with Emi." He leaned in and whispered. " Talk a bit. You brought her home, you help her rehabilitate." Aizawa gave a small grunt to signify his displeasure of Yamada referring to him to give the girl more attention.

" Where are we going?" She asked him, staring into his eyes.

" A cat Cafe around here. It's not far. We'll be walking by the way, hope you don't mind."

" That's okay, I like walks." She gave him another smile and he swore under his breath. When he brought her in the first time, he told herself it was temporary but now it's only been two weeks and he feels like he can't let her go. He still hasn't made up his mind about it but he'll discuss it with Yamada. Once the mess was cleaned up, they headed down the street to visit the cafe he mentioned. " Ah, sorry-" They both paused. Emi stared at the woman she bumped into.

" Emi? You...." Her deep purple glazed with tears, a hand covered her mouth. Emi froze completely. She's not ready to see her own family, much less a friend of the family. " I was so worried when I heard you left home and when you were caught, I just- couldn't bear waiting for what they wanted to do with you-" She bolted before the woman could finish. " W-Wait, Emi!"

" Hinata." Aizawa chased after her, followed closely (as close as he could) by Yamada. Her mind was racing, no real thoughts, just panic. Instinct told her body to run and it followed. She aimlessly dashed through the crowd, not knowing where she was going. There was shouting but it was fuzzy to her. Someone grabbed her roughly by the arm and got her into a headlock.

" No one move. Or the girl dies!" A cold knife pressed at her neck, it extended from the villain's wrist.

" Oi, that's not very nice." The hero said, landing a bit far from him.

" Back off Hero. Here is the deal, me and pals leave with the loot and the girl goes free." Aizawa stopped at his tracks. He doesn't have his binds with him and the villain looks buff enough to snap her neck.

" No can do, friend. How can I be assured that you'll even let her go? Sounds way fishy to me. Let her go gently and we'll- ....Emi?" His turquoise eyes stared at the grey eyed girl with worry.

" Oh? You know this will be fun. Listen hero, her chances of living depend wether or not you take our deal." He pressed the knife deeper. " She's not bad tho..."

" ..... don't touch me.... DON'T TOUCH ME!" Black spikes rose up and pierced his hand as he dodged. Emi knelt down and glared at him as she tried to calm her self down.

" Why you little- What the-" His blades retracted back into his wrist.

" You might want to back off now." Aizawa said as his eyes glowed red. " No one is allowed to touch her without my consent. Which is unlikely."

" Shut up!" A boot connected with his face. He was driven into the wall by the very force of it.

" Oh my, I'm sorry but I thought you were trash." Ayame said with her gentle smile.

" You bitch!" One of his comrades shouted at her. He received a hard blow to the gut.

" I'm bird. Caw, caw, you shit." The one who attacked Emi bolted down the alley, where he'd soon be out of sight.

" Hey," A hand touched his shoulder. " We're not done yet. I'm glad you ran out the public can't see what I'm about to do." The villain flinched as he caught the hero's ocean blue eyes staring him down like raging seas." Oh, this is going to be fun." His mouth stretched into a wicked smile.

Aizawa approached the shaking girl carefully. A radius of black ink surrounded her as her eyes turned black. " Hey," She flinched at the sound his voice but evidently calmed down when she realised it was him. " It's okay. I've got you."

" I'm scared..." She admitted as he approached her.

" I know. But I know also know that you're brave. You've faced off with villains what's making you shake?" He was only inches from her now, he knelt down to meet her eyes.

" I heard Aniki...he's here...I don't know if I can see him like this...." She froze as he placed a hand on her head.

" That's okay. You're going to be fine." Now it was his turn to be surprised as she hugged him and dug her face into his shoulder to cry. " H-Hey, I.... it's...okay. Everything's going to be alright..." He hasn't practiced tending to victims in his line of work very much, but he hoped he said the right thing. Meanwhile, a certain Blondie was recording and taking pictures.

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