Chapter 4

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 The girl breathed heavily with her hands on her knees. At this point the classes were simply speechless. She fell to her knees and leaned against the wall.

" I-I think I just saw an angel~" Kaminari said with a sheepish smile.

" Dibs on those boo-" Tsuyu slapped Mineta before he could finish.

" You're the worst, Mineta." Yaoyorozu said in disgust. The rest of the girls agreed.

  Thirteen came to her and handed her some water. She drank it down quickly, eventually chocking on some of it.

" Hey, slow down," 

" A-Are you okay?" She said wiping her mouth. Thirteen nodded in reply. " I'm glad..." She said with a soft smile.

" She's so cool!!" Uraraka beamed. Most of the classes agreed.

" I'm not sure about that, look. Her run after that was slower. That must certainly be her limit. Oh my, she's probably going to pick the curse class A, I mean reckless abilities like that only suit such a place. And is that all she can do? Seems like a pretty useless Quirk to me-" Kendo hit Monomoa hard on the head to silence him.

" Sorry about him." She said to class A as she dragged him away.

" Right....So what was this girl's name again?" Kirishima asked, breaking the silence. The classes froze. All this time, they were admiring her capabilities and yet, they don't even know her name.

" Hinata Emi. " Eraser Head answered. " Her school records don't say much. All I can tell you is just that she's registered her Quirk as Multi-media Arts. " The students talked in excited tones of her Quirk.

' That kid, her mental health issues are said not to be a big problem...and, a recommended counseling session once a month? Just how bad is it?' These were the questions that filled his thoughts. If she passes the third stage, she would most likely join his class. And as the homeroom teacher of 1-A, she's not the only student he'd have to worry about.

After being given time to rest, Hinata was all set to move on the third stage. Apparently, she would be challenging the principal, Nezu. He decided to use the same venue as the finals, just because he wanted to see how it goes.

" Even though I'll be using the same tactics..I wonder how she'll handle it. Her speed won't do her much good, climbing or running would only waste so much precious time." Principal Nezu said to himself while sipping his tea.

 Her eyes flashed a multitude of colours before settling on grey. When the round began, she stood still for a moment with her eyes closed. Aizawa observed closely, he saw a small black line crawling up her neck like a vine before she shifted her scarf to cover it.

' What the hell...was..that?'he thought. Hinata was looking directly at one of the cameras. She put a finger to her lip and shook her head softly. The students were confused, but Aizawa felt that somehow she was addressing him.

 Then the banging started, Hinata sighed and walked away. The buildings around her started to crumble. Everyone was worried as debris fell towards her. But for some reason she doesn't GIVE A DAMN. She just kept walking.

 Black spikes stopped the debris. It moved fluidly, creating a roof over her head and even cleared a path straight to the exit. 

" Woah, what is..that?" Denki said in a low tone.

' Is' Aizawa wondered as the black mass fits the description in her school disiplinary records. It said that she threatened a group of upper classmen with black spiked ink. The debris that fell on the black mass became a part of it.

' says overuse triggers...' Aizawa stared at her with hidden worry. The students were confused what was going on. The black marks had crawled up her cheeks. She dragged her hand across a wall, and stopped. A black mass covered the wall, she plunged both her arms into it.

 The principal sipped his tea calmly, he felt a different presence in the room. Black marks filled the room like vines, covering every inch.

" Oh my, what's all this?" He managed to say before inky black arms appeared from above and grabbed him. He appeared on the other side of the wall where Hinata stood holding him.

"....." Hinata put him down and stared.

" Well, you've caught me. Congratulations!" Principal Nezu said cheerfully. For some reason, it rained. Black ink fell as gentle drops of rain. Hinata had made herself an umbrella and one for the principal. Without exchanging many words they walked together out of the area. They had a small conversation on the way.

" You must really like rain to just do this."

" Hmm..? Oh, yeah..." She said in a low slightly motionless tone. ' This adorable...' She thought. ' He looks like a baby polar bear...sorta..' She twirled her umbrella a little. Aizawa noticed how her black marks retreated and disappeared under her scarf. Principal Nezu knew of her issues, yet she seems to have most control over it. 

 As they walked he heard her hum a calm tune, the rain fell (if possible) ever more gently.

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