Chapter 38

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" For today, we'll be focusing on special moves. A special move has to be original and beneficial for battle or rescue." Eraser head explained. Later on, Ectoplasm cloned himself as Cementos readied the battle grounds. As Emi got ready, the girls stared for a moment. They where hesitating to ask her something, finally Asui volunteered.

" Excuse me, Emi-chan." She said approaching her. She looked at her curiously with little to no emotion. She made a sound of paying attention and waited for a response. " We were wondering, what exactly is your hero name?"

"....Well.." She was a little unsure how to present it at first. " It's Haku. 'Ha' from the Arabic word 'habbar' meaning ink and 'ku' the Japanese word 'kakushin' for innovation." She said bluntly. The girls complemented her choice, it was interesting.

" Doesn't Haku also mean search?" Uraraka asked as they walked together to the gym. Emi nodded with a sweet smile.

They also complemented her hero outfit, in which she even specified the material to the support company. Her tunic was navy blue with dark purple lining, the sleeves end at her elbows giving optimum space to form claws, her hooded cape was short and doubles as a last resort capture weapon, her black boots had sound proof souls and were very light and finally, her white mask covers her whole face. It was decorated in simple symbols.

" Woah..." Sero said, smiling at her rebellious dark style." Damn, Iida. You really hit the jackpot!!!" He shouted across the room. As usual, Iida would object. Todoroki tilted his head and smiled a little. Midoriya was impressed, he began writing and muttering furiously on the material and details.

" Get back to training." Aizawa warned as his hair rose and his red eyes glowed. He walked over to Emi with hidden worry. The incident back during the visit to her home has made him deem her worthy of the title ' Emotionally Unstable Teenager with family issues'. " Careful out there. Just because you have problems at home doesn't mean you can put them in school, got it?" Emi nodded in response, usually she'd say something but this proves she's still isn't over the incident. " Whatever, stay safe. Life can be difficult as you're confronted by crazy situations but it doesn't mean you can't overcome them." He gave her a single pat on the head and was about to leave.

" Thanks, d- I mean Mr. Aizawa." She said quickly and hurried off, knowing her own mistake. Luckily, no one heard except for Aizawa that is. But he was sure he'd mistaken and tried to shrug it off. He concluded that he needed more coffee and left.

Ectoplasm threw a right kick as Emi came close. She dodged it by a hair and returned with spikes darting his way. He dodged easily and landed a kick while in mid air. Emi's hands turned black as she blocked his attack, she lunged forward with her claws but missed.

" Better luck next time." He said. She smirked as she landed on the ground, she pointed to the ground and revealed the black web. Taking him by surprised she pulled the web and the clone was caught tangled in it as it coiled. One final yank and the clone was gone. She smiled and for a brief moment her eyes flashed bright red. " Good work." He said snapping her from her thoughts. " Another round?" He asked. She was smart and quick on her feet. A valuable asset to the hero society.

" Of course." She said as she took position. For a brief moment her position was more professional and experienced. And in that brief moment her eyes flashed both green and blue. Both flinched, noticing the sudden change. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, cyan eyes gleamed. " So, we're doing this or what? I for one haven't had a decent fight in ages." Joel smirked confidently.

" Blue, I presume?" Ectoplasm asked.

" Nah, I'm her baby brother." He dashed forward with a right hook and dodged the counter left kick. The skill he was displaying, was professional and determined. He was putting on a show. " So tell me," He said as he maneuvered around the punches. " What's the difference between some one with a Quirk." Their kicks clashed. " And someone Quirkless?" He twisted his hand swiftly. " The answer : Skill." That was the trick, he'd branded himself Quirkless, and within those moments of surprise he took down Ectoplasm with a single move. Causing the clone to disappear. They all looked at him in surprise as he stood tall and proud.

" A Quirk without a skill is just as useless as Quirkless with no ambition. With ambition comes determination and with the right guidance leads to success. You don't need a Quirk to live or fight, find the right way and you'll overcome anyone." He stretched his limbs and smiled. " Never underestimate your enemy under ANY circumstances. If your enemy underestimates you, take it as an advantage to teach 'em a lesson." The entire room was silent as he smiled innocently. " Welp, guess I should go and let Emi practice. Hey, heroes! Thanks for the fight, it was fun."

Her eyes were back to grey, Bakugo struggled to keep himself from blasting her face, Why? Cause it wasn't her thoughts that said so. Midoriya however had questions filling his mind as well as All Might. The two holders of the Quirk One For All were curious to how this man- or rather the mind of him- lived his life. From the way he moved and branded himself, no doubt he was a military man.

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