Chapter 24

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" Makin' my way down town," Aizawa's eye twitched as the twins took turns singing that ridiculous song.

" Green." He turned to ask her but saw her sleeping while standing against the bus wall. He then turned over to Blue, but unfortunately she turned out to be asleep with her eyes open and hands on the trigger of her gun. He sighed.

" SHUT THE F*CK UP." Magenta glared at them with his tired eyes. They actually stopped. For a moment Aizawa wad relieved. " This is how ya do it b*tches!"

Aizawa groaned as Magenta sang Immigrant Dong by Led Zeplin. He has TWO more hours on this bus with these kids in addition to the colours that pop in and out.

They all make so much noise. He swears that what happens next would be totally worth it. See how they fair in the wild.

 In the meantime, he'll just have to suffer with the rowdy gang of teenagers rocking out with Magenta. They're definitely no longer afraid of him. Midoriya scribbled into his notebook, writing down every point he can on the colours.

" Blue, sleeps with her eyes open and hands on a weapon. Ah, is it because of stress, insecurity,  or perhaps concern? On the side note, Green is a heavy sleeper. Would there be any way to wake her up without startling her? Magenta is the kind that gets aggressive when he feels like it, aside from his secretive caring and loving side. What would his Quirk be? As the rest are either related to the imagination and strength of the mind...." He mumbled furiously.

" Midoriya. That's creepy." Uraraka said straightforward.

" Hey, I just remembered." Emi spoke with dark red eyes. " Magenta mumbles like crazy like how Midoriya does. On the first day we met him. He did so, right Magenta?"

" The probability of that being true is most likely 7 out of 9 in the case of it never happening is 2 out of 9 then again after being panicked and enraged I can tend to forget what I've done and to top it off with the fact that I may or may not tend to literally think out loud." He paused realizing that he'd just confirm that fact with his furious mumbling. " F*ck you, Currant."

" Hey, language..." Green said in a sleepy drunk-like tone. Then she dozed off again.

 Magenta grumbled something inaudible and glared at Emi. Currant shrugged and grey eyes were back again. Emi was sleepy so she fell asleep. There was a bit of awkward silence, Aizawa was about to fall asleep until-

" So I put my hands up! They playin' my song and the butterflies fly away!~" The twins shouted at the top of their lungs and the sing-along continued. 

 Aizawa can't wait to shove them off a cliff and to see the looks on their faces when he abandons them. He froze as he felt something breath down on his neck. His shoulder tensed and before he could think-

" 'Sup Aizawa." Blue's cool and calm voice made him jump. Why? 'Cause she leaned in to his ear. Magenta smirked and gave a hearty laugh. He won't admit it but he felt a little jealous, he doesn't remember why he should feel so.

The students stared at him when they heard his laugh, it sounded diabolical and evil. Blue gave a short chuckle as Magenta's face started to blush.

" Shut up. Don't look at me...." He broke to escape. He's more shy than they thought. " I ain't running." Emi's eyes were pink now. And the bus was quiet once more.

" Ay, de mi Llorona." Green started to sing. " Llorona, de azule celeste." Currant made a 'vessel' and picked up a guitar that Yaoyorozu made and started playing.

" Ay de mi, Llorona.
  Llorona, de azule celeste,
  Y aunque la vida me cueste, llorona, no dejaré de quererte
No dejaré de quererte!" She sang with such passion and energy that it made the students want to sing along if they had no idea what the lyrics were.

Blue smiled watching Green sing in her native language. Something she does rarely. But she only sang half the song as Currant joined her with a surprisingly deep singing voice.

" Ay, de mí, llorona, llorona de azul celeste
Y aunque la vida me cueste, llorona, no dejaré de quererte

Y aunque la vida me cueste, llorona, no dejaré de quererte
No dejaré de quererte
No dejaré de quererte
Ay, ay, ay" He sang in a smooth deep voice but then the bus stopped abruptly. As he was standing, he jolted forward and dropped the guitar on his foot.

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