Chapter 18

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 " H-Hello class, so...I'll be teaching history for today and, um, just to add..could you all..please forget what I did before...?" Lilac asked the class of cautious students, even Bakugou was willing to keep his mouth shut. " Eh..R-Right, so where did Mrs. Midnight left off?"

" Uh, the history of v-vigilantes...?" Midoriya answered, Lilac paused. The class observed her face and she appeared to be thinking. She opened her mouth to speak, that is until the door burst open.

" LIIIIIILLLAAAAAAACC!!!!" Cream shouted as she ran and hugged her. " I'M SORRY!!! I mean-like, Iwasjustreallystressedoutand-andIwassuperangryat-VermilionalsoIhadnointentionofcallingyouabitchand-and-I"

" AAARRGH!" Vermilion came raging into the room. " FORGIVE ME!!!! YOU DAMN ADORABLE DOVE!!!" They continued to cry in either anger or sadness on how sorry they are.

" Please stop." Lilac pleaded. " It's my fault too, I know I shouldn't have hit you that hard and just so you I forgive both of you."

" Okay, feels over. Come here you two, you're disrupting the class." Blue said as Green dragged them away.

" Uh...o-on with the lesson then...?" The class nodded in agreement, the look on her face previously was kind of cute. Then, she smiled at them with such a charming smile.

' Even if was she super strong and scary before, she started to get more and more into the lesson with such enthusiasm that it's....kinda cute~' The class thought, aside from Bakugou, Midoriya and Todoroki.

 After the lesson, the class started bombarding Emi with questions and statements. Making her very annoyed.

" OMG, Lilac is so brutal!"
" Why does Blue call Green ' Cat Mom'?"
" Is the red one called Red ? "
" The one with the golden eyes was HOT..."

Emi's eye twitched, what the hell is with these ridiculous questions? She got up and black marks crawled up her cheeks. The floor beneath her formed a dark circle, she disappeared in the ink and appeared outside of school.

" Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" She was starting to get a little stressed. " Thanks for the escape Blue."

Blue sat on the wall and gave her a thumbs up.

" Chill. We'll be heading to camp soon so toughin' up..Your phone's ringing."

" Right, oh it's Hagakure..." She listened briefly before replying with a plain no.

" What's up?" Vermilion asked leaning  against the wall.

" Hagakure asked if I wanted to go shopping together this weekend. I said no cause I know Aniki will lend some of his stuff."

" True, true" Cream said appearing next to Vermilion. " Blue telepprted us here if you're wondering."

" Emi would know that darling." Green said with a factual tone.

" I know..." Cream pouted, but she flinched followed by a shutter. " I get the feeling that we're getting company....I don't know it feels weird." Vermilion seemed doubtful, she remarked that Cream was being ridiculous as usual. Emi sighed and closed her eyes, Cream can be pretty confusing at times.

' Hello?' Emi took a sharp breath, this can't be. ' Where am I?' The voice was male. Blue took off her shades, she noticed that Emi's eyes flickered a different colour.

" Everyone break." She said sternly.

" What-" Lilac asked.

" I SAID EVERYONE BREAK!" They did and were shocked to find this new male voice. ' Who the f*ck are you?'

' Uh, first off- why should I tell you? Second- where am I?' In the mindscape he had reddish maroon eyes, slick back hair and even wore glasses.

' Everyone please, let's settle this when Emi gets to sleep.' Lilac advised.

' Who's Emi? And why the hell haven't any of you answered my questions?'

" Hey little sister, welcome home." Koken greeted her her. Emi's eyes turned into the new colour. The shade was clearly darker than Vermilion's.

" I'm a guy." She said before her eyes flickered back to grey.

" What...?" Feeling embarrassed, Emi ran up to her room and shut the door. After thinking for an awkward moment he swore under his breath and went to her room. " Emi...?" He knocked gently.

" Not now bro, we're in a CRISIS!!!" Vermilion's voice was loud and clear.

' Well then, Green won't even let me make a vessel. The only way I can get out of this mindscape is for her to use her Quirk to transfer me.' Azure mumbled. ' This is some deep sh*t.'

' Maybe we should stay out of it.' He added.

" I'M LIVING IN THE MIND OF A TEENAGED GIRL!?!?!?" The new voice practically screamed. " OMFG! What does that make me?! A guy or- oh god does this count as perverted? I-"

" Get a hold of yourself you wuss." Blue said along with an audible son of a b*tch slap.

' We should go.' Azure insisted.

' Yeah, sure sounds like a wonderful idea.'

Colour Coded (BNHA fanfic ft my OC)Where stories live. Discover now