Chapter 43

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" So I just gotta walk straight, right?" Aizawa asked once he processed most of the information.

" Yup, speaking of, I've been checking on some of her dreams lately and they seem to be tied to you and another person that she longs to see." Aizawa was a bit confused on that statement and gave him a confused look. " You know what kind person she sees you as?" Before Aizawa could think, Tebiki snapped his fingers and everything changed. Aizawa didn't look like himself anymore, not at all, in fact he looked like-

" Why the FUCK am I Calibrush?!" He paused hearing that his own voice had changed. " WHAT THE FUUUUCCKK???"

" Relax, I'm only doing this to point out what you are to her..." Tebiki trailed off muttering as he snapped his fingers again and Aizawa was back to normal. He froze completely, processing this entirely huge information. He's....a father figure.... " Hey, can we go back to helping my sister?" Aizawa snapped out of it and told himself that this was only Tebiki's view not his student's. " Good luck,"

 Aizawa walked ahead into the darkness and tried to prepare for whatever's up ahead. He heard talking and a small cry. Hurrying his steps, two figures were in view. A grown man on the ground, unconscious, while a young girl was crying as the wall before her grew and grew. She stopped, hearing him come and listened to his footsteps.

" Hinata..?" He asked reaching out. She turned to him, shaking as he froze. He looked like her critical state, ink flowing from her head and eyes alongside a couple traces along her mouth. She staggered as she stood, an angry look and enraged aura came from her. She muttered something and it got louder and louder. " What?"

" GET. OUT. OUT. OUT. GONE. NOT. HERE...." She kept shaking and crying as though she was in pain. Spikes formed all around her as the muttering intensified. " IT'S MY FAULT!! I SHOULD'VE DONE SOMETHING BUT I DIDN'T, I CAN'T! I'mweakerthanmost, IhurtpeopleandmyselfI'msopathetic." She looked at Aizawa for a moment and broke down. " STOP MESSING WITH MY HEAD!! I'M TIRED!! HE'S NOT HERE! WAKE UP!" She was so vulnerable at that moment, telling herself that what she sees isn't real, just a trick of a wishful thought. He's not sure how Joel was unconscious somehow or what just happened. 

" Hey, calm down..." He began taking a couple cautious steps forward, she retreated two steps back, afraid. She screamed and spikes hurled all over the place, luckily missing Joel as Aizawa dodged. Two spikes came unexpectedly and cut past his cheek and arm. It hurt like it was real and another spike drove itself into his leg, immobilizing him. Seeing what she'd done she sank to her knees and cried silently as she covered her head.

" I hurt I hurt Joey...I'm sorry......" She said softly. So this was how far bottling up your feelings get you, it tears you apart from the inside. And when it bursts, all hell breaks lose. The spike receded as she felt the guilt flood her. Aizawa dragged himself towards her slowly, there may not be blood but the pain remained. He stood before her and activated his Quirk, she stopped crying and looked up. He was kneeling now, looking at her in the eye.

" That's enough," He said as he wiped her tears, " Is this the behavior of a hero? Bottling up your emotions and keeping to yourself, I suspect not even the colours knew of this." She looked down, ashamed and embarrassed but Aizawa lifted her chin and placed a hand on her cheek as he cleared the next eye. " You keep this up and you'll end up alone, which is something no one wants. Not even me. Look, even I got someone that I tell everything to. I know that you need someone as well."

" I don't wanna burden anyone-"

" But behaving this way will, yourself included. You're better than this." He said as he finished, she was silent for a while.

" I...always wanted someone to depend on...but I thought that I'll never have the chance. Mom and Dad left a long time ago, Koken and Tebiki have work and I don't want Grandma to be troubled with something as petty as this.."

" A burden is a burden even if it's your own, but it feels lighter when you have someone to talk to about it. Being a hero isn't always about the people around you, you always need to find time for yourself to clear your head. I'm not saying that you shouldn't care, you should, but at a controlled level. Do you understand?" She nodded and had a small soft smile. " Chin up, you'll be alri-" Aizawa dared not to move as it happened. Emi had pulled him into a hug, she dug her face into his shoulder and said nothing. He hesitated but hugged back. ' HOLY SHIT.' He thought. ' This actually feels good, oh my god. I promise, kid. I'mma protect my students, oh god I feel like a dad.'

" Thank you...." She said as softly as she did the other day as they finished. He patted her head and smiled as he helped her stand.

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