Lost memories 1

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" Mom?" The small child called to his mother. She didn't respond and stared at the television screen, neglectilng the dishes.

" Here we are today with the hero of the day : Calibrush." The interviewer announced as she got closer to the masked hero. " Sir, I understand that you as a hero would do anything to overcome a villain, am I correct?" The hero smiled, and nodded. He's not one for talks, the white sash around his waist flapped in the breeze as it decorated his black tunic lined with gold. His black hair was ocean blue at its tips as well as his mask hid his eyes.

" Well," He spoke and the interviewer blushed as well as the boy's mother. That voice is as smooth as the river. Charming too. " If the situation calls for it I would have to put my life on the line but hey, doesn't every hero?" While the interviewer tripped on her next question he put his index finger on his lips, his gentle way of asking for some silence. He looked at the camera and smiled. " My dear," She blushed harder this time." я не могу дождаться тебя сегодня вечером." ' I can't wait to see you tonight.'

A week later, the woman, Marya brought along her son to a private garden. He awed over the beautiful plants and flowers alongside a few small animals such as butterflies and bees. But he didn't understand why his mother brought him here, then he remembered and his face clouded.

" Tebiki?" His mother asked noticing the sour look on his face. " Is something wrong?" He grumbled as she smiled gently. " I see, you know my son. Do you remember how your father was to me?" He nodded in reply. " Do you remember how much I cried for him when he left me?" He looked away and stared at the ground. " Then please, I know that getting a new father is scary and I know how much you love me, but please it'll be alright. Aren't you glad your getting two big brothers today?" He smiled a little, it would be great to have siblings. Hopefully, they're nice...

" Oh, Marya!" The tall man with oceon blue eyes said smiling at her. He crouched to meet Tebiki. " You must be Tebiki, I'm Hinata Kazumi. Your new dad, I'm hoping we'll get along with my boys. Which reminds me, boys introduce yourself." Two identical twins came from each side of their father. They flashed big smiles and appeared to be around 5 years older than him.

" Hi!!" The one on the left shouted with oceon blue eyes like his father. " I'm Akio. So your our new little brother huh? Your so small!"

" Aki-san don't be mean! I'm Koken." He held out a hand and smiled. " It's to meet you." Tebiki stared at the duo, they were so nice in a way. But then he noticed something off, Koken eyes and his mother's were the same colour.

" Now boys, greet your new mom." Kazumi said to them. The gave a cheerful greeting.

" Wait a minute, " Akio said looking at her carefully. " Dad, why are her eyes like mom's?" Marya froze hearing this. Was she merely chosen for her eyes? Kazumi lowered his head and said nothing. He opened his mouth to speak but the only words that came were..

" I love you." He said looking into her eyes. " For who you truly are, your kind and fearless nature, your everlasting smile...not your eyes, that has nothing to with this. You agreed to marry me, because you know that's how I feel. You read my mind remember? You know I'm not lying."

Colour Coded (BNHA fanfic ft my OC)Where stories live. Discover now