Chapter 45

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 " Today's the day." Emi said as her eyes flashed multiple colors. She met the others at the bus alongside Aizawa. Today's the day of the provisional license exam, neither of the students could wait to take it. Even Emi bounced a little, she smiled the entire way there.

" Emi~" Carter called out to her as she just got down from the bus.

" Carter?" Her classmates and Carter's friends started poking at them and asking how they knew each other. " This is Carter, he's an old friend from my previous school." She told everyone calmly.

" 'Friend'? I thought I was like- your bro or somethin'. Better yet, you're guardian!" Carter chirped happily as he put an arm over Emi's shoulder. He was pretty tall, his height and the way he hugged Emi made him look like a loving and doting brother.

" Carter, put me down." She said in her motionless tone. " And stop talking nonsense, we're not related and the colours are my guardians."

" You're so mean, Emi~" He whined as he put her down. He already got his license. " I, the hero : Door Hack, will be defending you're adoorable face." He smirked.

" Good one, kid! That's my student right there. Remember, you're only here to watch." Ms. Joke said with an approving nod. " Which reminds me. Aizawa will you marry me?" Aizawa groaned, he can't be dealing with this. Why does he surround himself with fools? The class of 1-a almost screamed as she said that.

" No problem, sensei!" He glanced over at the arriving bus. " Yo, Kurosawa!" He waved at the wolf boy. He attends Shiketsu High, the others started whispering to one another while glancing at Carter and the U.A. students. " Hey," His tone changed as his temper rose, he didn't like the way Kurosawa was looking at them and how his class was looking at them. " Dude, can't you say hello to your friends?"

" Hi." He said quickly and walked passed him coldly. He followed Yoarashi to greet the U.A students, Emi smiled and said her hellos in which he replied with a silent nod and strange expression. Which made her feel off. He's been acting off ever since they found out the date of the exam.

" Hey, Kurosawa." Yoarashi said nudging him. " You were pretty cold to your friends back there, feeling tense?"

" I gotta win." He said seriously, before Yoarashi could tell him to chill he snaps. " Listen. Emi can't get through, alright? The way she is, I'm not sure I'll get a shot or anyone with her and her colours."

" Hasu." Shishikura said. " I know you're determined and you will have your shot in the ' U.A. crushing.' If she is how you say, then baiting a huge crowd on her will do the trick. Or better yet you can ask Sakura for a little assistance with her Quirk."

" You're right." He looked over to his classmate who overheard his conversation and she nodded with a leer. " I'm sorry to be selfish, but at this point. It's every man for themselves." Carter watched in disbelief, his friend was being selfish and possibly endangering Emi.

" Brat." He muttered under his breath as he went to talk to Emi and warn her.

" American Boy~" Ms. Joke sang as she grabbed his arm. " Come on, spectators' this way. You'll be sitting next to me and Aizawa, my future bae." She dragged him inside as he objected. " Don't worry, you can trash talk later..."

" I'm not your bae." Aizawa grunted as he sat down. " Now be quiet, I got a class to monitor."

" A whole class this time, huh? You think they're ready for the 'U.A. crushing?" Aizawa gave no answer, anything could happen at this point. The only thing that separates them now is their experience against real villains. Even so, these other kids can be crafty. He doesn't know why, but he feels that something is up with that wolf kid. He's planning something possibly dangerous.

" So the exam will begin..." The announcer started as the students have taken their place. Emi had an area where she was the only U.A. student there, she walked almost carelessly. Others would glance at her and mutter to one another. She knew that. She heard from her brother about this ' U.A. crushing' thing. It didn't bother her nor her classmates when she told them. " Now!" 

 They fired their Quirk at her as she walked. She countered with her spikes and ink. This was actually a little easier than fighting the principal, her ink was serving her well. She was able to control it more easily with those grieves and her sound proof boots were great for sneaking up on them and hiding. Then, as sudden as it was, the students backed off.

" Now." Kurosawa signaled Sakura. Emi froze as her thoughts buzzed, music of all kinds playing all at once in her mind. That girl's Quirk, Sing-along, was taking effect. She couldn't think clear even worse, she couldn't think at all. This Quirk has two effects, it either boosts the ally and their Quirk when their mind is set on a song. Or it can overwhelm the mind in which when the Quirk comes with no warning and surprises them. They can't decide the song properly, Emi has more than one mind.

 Emi's eyes turned black, this was too much. Her head was starting to hurt. She turned and a clawed hand stroke. She could only stare silently as her  blood dripped with some of her ink from the gash by her cheek. Kurosawa immediately regretted his decision as she started to cough and vomit the ink. She felt so betrayed. She clutched the ground as she was on her knees. As her final move she shielded herself in an ink dome to recover.

" Aizawa...Is she alright?" Ms. Joke asked as she saw the ink vomited with blood. " Aizawa?" He was standing now, staring at the dome she created with full worry. She's at a critical stage, her emotions were out of control.

Colour Coded (BNHA fanfic ft my OC)Where stories live. Discover now