Chapter 40

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" Emi-chan, that was so cool!" Ashido said beaming. " Wait, what was that actually?"

" ...My dad..." She said still a little awestruck. Her eyes flashed bright red for a moment. " Well, fuck. Sorry, let me rephrase that. Damn."

" Start explaining, Grey eyes!!" Bakugo demanded as his hands sparked. " Why the hell were you able to make an old hero come back from the dead?"

" I don't think it's like that Kacchan." Midoriya began as he thought deeply. " It's not a clone more like... a empty vessel, a host. Seeing how the colours previously used 'vessels' to move about but with Green's Quirk they were able to use those 'vessels' as a temporary body. I don't think that thing just now was sentient. Right Hinata?" Emi nodded and explained that the figure moved according to how she remembered the way her father moves. " Amazing, so it's like a robot then. With your thoughts you can 'install' memory of action and behavior. Hmm, try another one. Maybe someone different." Emi thought for a moment and focused.

" Why the heck??" Aizawa said as the figure formed an ink version of himself. " Of all people.." The ink Aizawa stood like him, moved like him and even performed the same gestures. " It was the first thing she could think of. Leave it at that." The ink figure responded in his voice. " Shut up." The ink figure shrugged. Aizawa activated his Quirk and the ink figure dissipated.

" I sort of, how you say, told him to say that on my behalf. Apologies, Mr. Aizawa." Emi said with a slightly embarrassed smile. " I'll... try not to do that again.."

" Don't be like that." He sighed. " This only shows a new level to your Quirk. As long as you use it well, you'll be fine. Keep practicing, who knows, you might be able to make your own personal army one day." He said as he left. She smiled back and nodded.

" Oh hell, no." Ectoplasm objected. " No armies in the school and certainly no armies for me to be used as practice. Understood, kid?" He asked looking at her but she wasn't really paying attention. She swayed a little and staggered. " Hey, you alright?"

" Just fine," She said recovering quickly. " Ah, can I get a break?" Ectoplasm allowed her to side on the side for her to rest. She practiced making smaller things first like insects and arachnids. In which, to Kouda's horror turned out well. She played with the spider for a bit, letting it move along her arm and hang off her fingers. After the small things she decided to try move it up a bit. Some of the girls shrieked as a black snake wandered and slithered around the room. To ease their nerves she turned the snake into a dove.

" EMI-CHAN!!!" Hatsume practically screamed. " Here it is! Our babies are finished!" She said excitedly as she handed Emi a pair of gloves or rather grieves. " Your plans were really detailed but I hope you don't mind that I tweaked it a little." The metal were plated to half of the fingers, the main material which was a special fiber alloy was black. The tips of the glove which was only the fiber alloy served as well equipped brushes, all ten of them. " I added a little something to the fiber alloy to make way more durable, light and stronger." Emi tried it on and smiled broadly.

" I love it." She said moving her fingers. " It's comfortable and I love the metal plating, what kind?"

" Duralumin." She said proudly as Emi took stance and practiced punching the air. " Also, I have something special for you~." She sang as she handed Emi the red box. Hatsume was jumping up and down in excitement as Emi lifted the snake-like tool. The inside was mostly hollow as the exterior metal plating was strong and joined together so well that it was very flexible. " Test it out." She urged.

 Emi allowed the ink to flow through it and controlled the snake tool. It was fast and adapted well with ink. It can even be adjusted to be a strong and sturdy staff. Emi knew exactly what it was as allowed it to coil around her waist and one single turn over her right shoulder. This was more like a backbone for weaponry and a capture tool. It moved however she pleased. It felt good.

" Thank you, you're amazing." She complimented.

" Oh, stop. It's my babies you should be complimenting." She sang. " Ah, I forgot to ask if you don't mind. How does your Quirk work as it is? I mean, I can't to make you more babies to suit you better."

" Oh. You see the ink is produced in my blood, I can exert it through my sweat pores to summon the ink. However my QKP, Quirk Karmatic Poisoning, happens because of a sort of misinformation as the component that produces the ink produces more than needed as response to the high use to replace the ones lost. Thus, causing an 'overflow' effect and needs to be cleared from my system. So, the ink is redirected to my eyes through my tearducts, then if effect is still high it'll start to bleed fro my head and ears. Finally, the almost fatal part is through my throat. I can't breath when that happens. It shows a massive over production and if it carries out too long, I'll die. Oh, my ink is also responding to the emotional part of my brain. So my ink immune system will act out if I feel the need for it."

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