Chapter 48

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" Hinata. Good luck out there all right? Stay safe." Todoroki said with a pat on her shoulder.

" Yeah, you too. Don't do anything stupid. Fucking pretty boy." Her eyes were cyan and it was definitely Joel talking. " Stay out of our way." Joel grumbled as Emi's eyes went back to grey. " Ah, sorry about that..Good luck." She hurried off as Todoroki watched her leave. He smiled to himself feeling a bit giddy whereas Emi blushed slightly as she put on her mask and tried to focus on the rescues.

 During the rescue she used her ink to hold up the structures as more flexible participants crawl through the debris and save whoever she senses. Among those with her was Sakura and while on her way of rescuing a child, she decided to try talking to her.

" Uh, hey. I'm not sure if you know me but it was my fault your mind(s) were bit scrambled before. I'm sorry, I didn't know that it could've killed you. I really am." She reached an opening and found that there were two children huddled against the wall. " Hi, I'm here to help. You're going to be fine." She reached out, eager to end the exercise quickly.

" Stop rushing and be more gentle." Lilac said appearing behind her. She froze and almost jumped at her sudden appearance. " Allow me," She took one step forward and bent down. " Thank goodness we've found you. Are you alright? Any injuries? Don't worry," She gave a gentle and comforting smile while slowly holding out her hand. " I'm here to save you." She looked like an angel with her gentle voice and posture that it made all three of them blush in awe of her gait.

" H-Heroes! That was the most perfect persuasion I've ever seen." Lilac smiled as she carried one in her arms and handed the other to Sakura.

" Do you understand now?"

" Y-yes, ma'am." Walking behind Lilac felt a bit awkward yet honored. She's clearly done this before. " About-"

" We know," She said first before Sakura could finish. " We forgive you, you didn't know. But we know that you're a bit rash and like to rush. A bit contradicting to your musical Quirk, usually musical people are a little more...realxed." Sakura didn't answer, she kept her head low and glanced away. " Ah, I see. We'll discuss this later then. For now, don't worry child. The exit is almost there and you'll see the sun again. Hang in there, alright?"

" No, take your time~" It appears her presence is enough to soothe the soul of the two children. ' This is great, I'm in the arms of an absolute angel! God, I can die happily now...' He thought as Lilac carried him through the exit. Then he felt her shift. " Eh?"

" Sakura, hand him to Blue who'll take him to the safe zone by portal. I'll take this one myself by air." She said as she got ready.

" Wait- you mean you can fly?" Sakura dropped her jaw as two large colorful wings appeared on Lilac's back. With a single bound she was gliding through the air elegantly. " She's..."

" Ah, man. Our bird took off already, a literal angel you can say. Quite the sight, eh?" Emi said standing next to her. Sakura really jumped this time and let out a small shout before covering her mouth. Blue chuckled at her reaction and gave a small smile. " Come one, portal's this way. Also," She lifted her mask a little, revealing Blue's cyan eyes. " Emi's tired, I'm Blue."

" Oh, okay. Thanks 'Blue'?" Sakura walked though the portal with Blue following behind and as soon as they got through, Blue grabbed them both and pinned them to the ground. " ARE YOU CRAZY?? I SAID SORRY-" Blue covered her mouth and motioned to the commotion up ahead. " Isn't that.."

" Gang Orca, the're playing villains today. Take this kid out of here." Lialc landed next to them and handed Sakura the second child. " Lilac, looks like we're going to have another party." Then the tone of her voice changed. " No, our job today is to protect the citizens. I need two assisting evacuation, three securing the rear, while the rest distract the villains." Green appeared with the rest of the colours. " I've given you my orders now, move!"

 Joel and Cream helped with the escape while Lilac, Magenta and Currant watched the rear ends of the escaping crowd. Not two minutes passed and half of Gang Orca's cement shooting crew was down. Mostly thanks to the colours.

" Fight me, bitches!!" Vermilion roared as she swerved and swung her scythe. Scaring the hell out of two of them and knocking away their guns. " HEY, GET BACK HERE!" She started chasing after them while swinging her scythe. The poor duo jut doing their job ran like as if the devil were on their heels.

" I wanna live! I wanna live!" One of them blurted as he barely dodged her scythe. " damn, damn, damn, DAMN." The other repeated over and over again as he ran like a man possessed. Vermilion was no help either, smiling devilishly she overheard them.

" MUAHAHAHAHAHA!" She laughed maniacally, swinging the scythe wildly. " YOU'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!"

" Oi, is this truly the face of a hero? More less a support class prodigy...?" Joel asked looking at Cream. Whom only shrugged at the sight of her sister acting like the bringer of death herself.

" AHAHAHAHAHA!!!" She laughed as she knew she gaining on them. " DIE."

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