Chapter 12: I Regret Meeting You

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-Jacks POV-

I saw Marks worried look, and then saw him look at Beth, fiery burning in in his eyes.

He grabbed her arm from the top of my dick, pulled my shirt thing down to cover me up, and tackled her to the ground. I struggled to get free, then heard someome yell.

"Mark!" It went silent, then I heard someone grunt. Silence followed, along with a laugh, and then I saw them roll over to the other side of my bed.

I saw blood follow them as they turned back to where I couldn't see them.

-Marks POV-

I looked at the women that was on top of Jack. She had a knife. If I wasn't mad, I would've blushed because of what was before me. I walked over to her, picked her arm up off him, covered him up, then tackled her onto the ground. He was tied up.

I punched the women. She punched me back. I felt her touch my dick, then hit it hard. I let out a grunt then fell to the ground. She got on top of me, kissed me, then pulled out another knife. I tried to push her off, but she stabbed me. I whinced in pain. She laughed. I rolled around on the floor with her. I punched her, but she pinched me. Everywhere.

She kept pinching me, my flesh squeezing in between her fingers. I tried to get away but she stabbed my leg. I grabbed her and she threw me across the floor back to the foot of his bed.

I stabbed her in the arm then her leg. I wanted her go just leave so it wouldn't cause a problem, but she just wanted to kill Jack.

Like Jason did.

"Did Jason send you?" I asked her.

"Well ye-" she stopped talking midsentance.

"Yo. You alive still? Did Jason send you?" She didnt answer me. She pushed me off her and left.

Before she left the room, she said, "I'm so sorry for this boys. But, it's been fun playing." Then, she left. I would've went after her, but I had presents for my green boi.

Which was still tied up.

I walked over to him and untied him. I didnt look at him in the process.



"Why'd you save me?" I stopped and starred at his arm. Then went back to untying him. "Mark?"

"Jack, I saved you because you're my friend, and..." I'm not sure what yo call him. I haven't really asked him on a date but we've kissed a lot. My...lover? Secret lover? My secret that I must-a keep it? (I just HAD to put that last one in)


"What do we call us?"

"Mark and Jack?" He said, puzzled.

"No, not our names."

"Two idiots that kiss a lot and get into a lot of fights?"

"No, Jack-" I finished untying him, picked him up so he was sitting against his back bed frame and made him look at me. "What about us? Like, us us. What do we call this?" I pointed at Jack and I. He watched my finger, then looked at me.

"What do you want to call us?"

"I want to call us whatever you need to call us." I said, taking his hand.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Jack, will you go to the winter dance with me?" Sure, it wasn't special but, I made his jaw drop.

-Jacks POV-

My jaw drops a lot, but this time I have an absolute reason for it to drop.


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