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She was hiding from Toby in her room. She giggled at the thought of him never finding her. He was her best friend and they would always hang out before/after school. No else in her class liked her or wanted to be her friend. Toby was her one and only.

All of sudden she heard her room door creak open. She peaked out of the small crack from the closet and saw Toby looking under the bed." Sayori~," The boy talked sweetly " I know your in here~," Sayori was trying really hard to keep her giggles in, but she couldn't hold it in anymore and chuckled.

Toby stop in his tracks and turned around at the sound of the laughter. She had blown it! He was going to win the game now. The brown haired boy stepped closer to the closet, he pulled his hand out and grabbed the knob. Sayori saw him as he quickly opened the wooden door. " Found you!" Toby squealed like a he just found out, about something good.

" No fair!" Sayori said while sitting on the ground of the closet." You always win at Hide n' Seek," Toby smiled at Sayori and lent out his hand to her. She looked up at him, then grabbed his warm hand. " Come on we have to go to Kindergarten now," Toby said happily as he tugged Sayori down the stairs.

She did not want to school ever again. All the kids in her class were mean and picked on her, she did not like it. When the got down the old stairs, Toby grabbed his lunch box and backpack. She just stood there not wanting to get her supplies. Once Toby noticed that Sayori was not following he turned back and saw she was crying.

       " What's wrong?" Toby asked Sayori. She gulped, Sayori did not want anyone to worry about her, but it was to late. " No likes me!" Sayori cried into her soft hands." They just pick on me, maybeI should not go to school,"  Toby removed her hands from her face and looked into her blue sparkly eyes.

  " I care about you~," He said softly to Sayori. " I'm never going to leave you," She smiled at him then they hugged each other. As Sayori walked to the bus stop with Toby, she felt much better. Being with Toby, being his friend made her the very happy.


                                                10 years later /freshmen year

                Sayori had missed bus the again! She put on her white long socks, a cherry red bow, and brown leather sneakers. Luckily her house was about seven minutes away from the school, sometimes she didn't know why she took the bus every single day. As Sayori bursted through the doors from her house to outside, she saw Toby way a head of her. He was talking with two other boys, ones Sayori knew very well. Jack president of the Sports Club and George the teenager with no club to call his own. They had both bullied Sayori when she was younger .

She walked up behind them and tapped Toby of the back of his shoulder. He turned around, once he saw Sayori he couldn't help it, but smilie at her and his eyes lit up. " Hi, Toby," Sayori said sweetly to the boy with the red back pack. " Sa.....Sayori?" Toby said marveled. " I thought you always slept in late?" She sighed and said " Well I got up on time today," All of sudden Jack had broke up the happiness ." Toby don't you have to say something to ......Sayori?" Jack growled threw his teeth. George did not say anything, but gave her a death glare. Toby looked from Jack to George and sighed. " What's wrong?" Sayori asked him. She put her hand on Toby's shoulder, but he pushed it off. " Say.......Sayori," he shuddered." We can't be friends anymore," He said softly to her. Sayori started to feel tears running down her face she was crying. " W.....why not? Sayori groaned at him. He turned around his gaze was furious at her like she said something wrong. " WE JUST CAN'T! Toby screamed at her. The boy she once loved turned away from her and started leaving her behind. The two other boys snickered at her then followed Toby to school.

" Why did he do this to me,? Sayori thought to herself." Why doesn't he love me?" " Did I do something wrong?" She slowly got up and sadly walk over to the nearest bench. Sayori sat there for eight minutes crying,whining, and grumbling. All of sudden she heard a voice that said "Sayori?" ," Toby?" Sayori said as she lifted her head up. Instead of seeing her old friends face she saw Monika one of her smartest classmates." Monika?" Sayori whispered with her blue  gaze tinted.
Monika looked surprised to see Sayori the go lucky, and happy to be curled up on a bench sobbing." Sayori are you ok?" Monika asked her with a concerned looked.''Me? I'm fine," Sayori laughed. " No your not," Monika told her. She helped her up and then stared to walk to school with her. Sayori finally convinced herself to tell Monika what happened this morning. When she finished the her kind classmate said " I now your upset right now, but I need to ask you something," Sayori stopped and gazed into Monika's green eyes " What is it?" "I'm staring a Literature Club! Right now it's just me and two other girls, I know it's not time to sign up for a club in till month and two weeks, but we need four people," Monika paused then continued on her long lasting statement. " Sayori, will you join our club and be my Vice President," She was amazed at what Monika just asked her. She didn't want to join a club, but she wanted to. " Yes Monika," Sayori said with a happy grin. "I will join your club and become the Vice President,"

                This time I will have something to call my own and have friends that will stay with me in till I die.

Best friends since childhood- a Doki Doki  Literature club Novel, editing/doneWhere stories live. Discover now