Trouble, part 2

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Sayori's pov

Sayori, and Toby were walking home after the meeting. It didn't go well, the Sports Club was mad that Toby was dating her. Luckily Matpat had said that anyone can date anyone they want, a lot of people liked Mat, he was very good at probable solving or theorizing. When everyone was leaving Sayori over heard Jack talking bad about the leader of the nerd/geek club. He said before he became president, he broke Jack's "rule" of dating an outcast. Whom was Stephanie, later when he became president of the club he invented her to join.

Just then Sayori stopped, she heard something from the trees. " Toby," He moved back to her " What's wrong Sayori, are you ok?" The boy asked. " I heard something from the tree," He nodded, " I'm following you," Sayori turned to the right side of the stone path, and entered the grassy area, with Toby behind her. The whispering was coming behind the tree in front of them. " Do you hear that," Sayori asked her boyfriend. " Yea, I hear it too," They both quietly moved, to the tall skinny tree. Behind the plant was George, Jack, and Sam.

" So hears, what's going to happen," Jack told them. " Sam, we all know that you have a crush on Sayori," The Teenager nodded his head. " Stop Sayori, one day in the hallway, but make sure Toby is there, kiss her, then they'll have to break up. Sayori's heart stopped, they were trying to get Toby to break up with her. " Do we have to do this?" George asked.

Jack looked over at him angrily " Yes! Remember your only Vice President because, you know how to break the two up, I can remove you from my club anytime, just like I did with John!" " I don't even know what you did to him," " Then let me tell you, once I found out ,he went off to go date a outcast, I stabbed him in the leg, now you don't want that, do you George,"

Sayori felt sick, then she felt Toby's hand, and they both walked away. All the away home Toby wouldn't let go of her hand even when they did get inside. " Toby, you can let go," " I'm never going to let you go Sayori," She blushed lightly. " I won't let them break us apart," He whispered to her.

Sayori sighed, then rapped her arms around him. " What are we going to do then?" " Fake it," Toby started. " You and I will plan this on when we walk in the hallway , when I see you kissing Sam, I'll pretend to be mad at you," " What about after that?" She asked him. " Don't worry I have an idea,"

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