Exlie, part 2

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Monika's pov

                         As all the club leaders gathered around to start this important meeting, Monika knew she would have to tell the truth of Jack's pass. The Literature club president called this meeting of only Mat, Jaiden, and Sam Vice President of Sports club. It was going to be hard for her, since Jack really didn't like the Literature club at this moment and time.

            " Thank you all for coming," Monika smiled at them. " Hey, Monika why did you not invite Jack, I mean he's leader and all," Sam whispered trying not to draw attention to himself. Monika huffed than continued " All of you might know that George died five days ago, since then the murder has gone unpunished. Just then Mat stood with a calm gaze looking at her " We don't know who, killed George," Jaiden nodded in agreement, Sam looked at the ground not wanted to be involved.

              " I know who killed him," Monika told them. Matthew looked surprised, Jaiden turned her head away from Mat, and Sam lifted his head up at her. " So, who did Monika because that person will have to be punished," Jaiden told her. " Jack told everyone about George's death, that he had a knife in his pocket, and he killed himself," Monika paused she hoped the others would believe her, she had to ask Toby, because Sayori was in tears. He did tell her explaining every detail about his death and Jack's betrayal. Here goes nothing.

            " George was killed by Jack, he never harmed myself," a gasp went around the room until Sam said " How do you know Jack did it," Monika was afraid of this question, but she had to tell the truth. " Jack was going to kill Sayori, George knew about it and told Toby," " When they both got to Sayori, Jack was about to kill her when George stepped in the away blocking her, and saved her life," Monika finished what she had to say then Mat pipped up. " When a President does something awful, like that they have to punished," " The rule states that the Vice President will have to become leader in order for the club to stay," Mat looked over at Sam " They will choose the persons trail,"

Sam huffed it looked like he was debating over to do something to Jack or to destroy the club forever. " As the new leader of the Sports club, Jack will be put in exile, he is not aloud to return to the club," " All the clubs will meet to tomorrow, then his new fate will come into play,"

Best friends since childhood- a Doki Doki  Literature club Novel, editing/doneWhere stories live. Discover now