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Jack's pov

It was Sumer, and  Jack was only ten at the time, when his sister died. He was over Toby's house when they were still friends. Toby had a brother named Patrick and his sister name was Clair. The two younger kids where three years old, and  they were best friends. They were in the backyard, at the pool swimming and hanging around in the area. It was a hot day, and perfect for a swim. Jack got out of the water to go to the bathroom. Toby told the children to say out of the pool until they came back, but little did Jack know that today was the day  his sister was going to die.


     Toby's pov

        He was grabbing the two juice boxes left on the table, when he heard Patrick sprinting and calling to him. " Toby!" He gasped. " Clair,she went in the pool with out the floatiest. Without saying a word, he rushed outside. Once he got to the pool he jumped in the water, and grabbed her. Then put her on the grass, and started doing CPR, but it wasn't working. He tried again hoping it would work, but nothing happen. He even tried, pushing on her chest to get the water out, but he was too late she had died.

        " What, what happened?" Jack yelled. " What did you do to my sister!" Toby gulped " I didn't do anything,"
Then Patrick pied up " It wasn't his fault, Clair wanted to prove she didn't need the floatiest, so when you guys went way, she went in the, water, and......drowned," Jack looked up at him,sternly " This is all your fault! My sister is died because of you!" " Jack....I tried too," but he was cut off. " Silent! One day when you love something more than anything in the world I'm going to take that special thing away from you," He grabbed his sister dead and walked home.

        Toby gasped, he'd just woken up from that dream again. Yes that did happen, Jack tried to kill Sayori yesterday but George sacrificed his life for hers. All of a sudden he felt hands on him, " You ok," Sayori asked him. " No, not really," Sayori moved closer to him, " It's not your fault, don't blame yourself, for something that costed her, the life she had," " It feels like it is, I should have stayed to watch them," Toby whispered to her. " You can't change the pass Toby, it's written in stone,"

Best friends since childhood- a Doki Doki  Literature club Novel, editing/doneWhere stories live. Discover now