Bonus, for 205 stars

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    So I ran out of ideas for a bonus chapter, so I'm going to tell you guys a little bit about myself and question that people have asked me.

" Are you a FNAF fan,"   Yes

" How did you get into Doki Doki Literature club," Game Theory it's always Game Theory

"How did you come up with the story "Best friends since childhood," Well, A lot of people were writing about Monika and Yuri only, sometimes Natsuki, but it was never Sayori! Or writers would not put Sayori in the story, but put the other characters in! This was also based on the idea what if, Sayori didn't died.

  " Will there be a second story to " Best friends since childhood?" No, this a novel. So no prequels or squeals.

"Are you going to write a different ddlc story?" Maybe, it depends if I finish the other stories on this account or if I want to.

" Are Natsuki, Yuri, and Monika going to get there own Novel with protagonist like Sayori did in the book " Best friends since childhood," Again, these characters need to have not a little or a lot of information I can expand on. A little info would be to small. A lot of info would be to big to write.

" Favorite DDLC character," Sayori

" First OC," I going to be honest, Toby is my first OC

" Top 5 Favorite games," FNAF all games, ddlc, Bendy and the ink machine, animal crossing new leaf, and little nightmares

" Why do you like Sayori so much," she 's not a Yandere like Yuri, Monika's a b*tch, Natsuki is cool, but I don't know a lot about her.


Best friends since childhood- a Doki Doki  Literature club Novel, editing/doneWhere stories live. Discover now