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Sayori's pov

       It was the day before Christmas Eve , Sayori was not really excited about the holiday. It was only going to be her, and Toby because his mom, Dad, and brother went to see there family. Sayori knew it would had been really uncomfortable, if she went, so she stayed behind along with Toby who had offered to.

     As they reached the club door, Natsuki saw them and chuckled. " What's so funny?" Toby asked the girl with the pink hair. " Your under the mistletoe!" Sayori looked up just to make sure Natsuki wasn't joking, and she saw the plant was tapped on top of the door.

     " Why would you do that," Sayori raised her voice a tiny bit. " It was meant for Monika and Yuri, but this is better!" Sayori was about to tell the other girl something else until, Toby kissed her on the cheek. She blushed a bright glowing pink. " Do It right!" yelled the pink haired girl.

     Toby just shrugged his shoulders, and walked in the room the club used. Sayori followed behind him, as they waited for Monika and Yuir to come.

        Happy holidays everyone I hope you guys got what you wanted, I hope you enjoyed the chapter! -Flamesparkwriter 🎁


Best friends since childhood- a Doki Doki  Literature club Novel, editing/doneWhere stories live. Discover now