Exile, part 3

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Toby's pov

            As, all the clubs rushed into the meeting area, Toby's mind was confused why was everyone meeting they had just had talk a week ago. " Hey, Monika," He whispered to his president. " Why are we meeting?" Monika looked back at him and smirked " You'll find out," He took a seat next to Natsuki, who telling Yuri manga is literature. Yuri said something back to her, but Toby wasn't listening he was to focused on what was going on. It just didn't make any sense to him. Finally the presidents were ready to start, but he noticed something, all the leaders were standing away from Jack.

            Weird. Monika stepped up in front of all the club kids " As, you all know George died six days ago, you know he kill himself, but that's not the truth," she paused then continued " he was murdered. Everyone's eyes looked shocked, expect for the literature club, who had already knew about this. " Two members of my club saw  who killed him, Jack killed George," " What! I didn't do such a thing!" Jack splat at Monika. " Maybe you killed George!" More gasps went around the room, Toby couldn't handle it anymore, he had to tell the truth.

            He stood up " It was there, when George died I can tell this," everyone turned around at him, he looked up at his president for a respond. She whispered the words tell them. He gulped, then explained what happen. How Jack tried to kill Sayori, but George give up his life. When he finished Toby sat down. He felt scared, he didn't know what Jack was going to do to him. " You will pay," Jack growled so the whole room could hear him. " Jack, you will have to punished," Mat said " Sam is now leader, you are no more,"

         " That's right," Sam told him " As the new leader of Sports club, you are banished, you are no longer welcome to my club," Jack growled and walked away to the exit before he left, Jack said " You would believe an use to be outcast over me?," He growled. " Toby is more of a club kid, than you'll ever be," Sam yelled back. Jack opened the door and left.

        Toby was about to leave with his club when Sam stopped. " Listen we need to talk," " Ok," Toby said puzzled. " I need a Vice President," Sam looked at him " I want you to be my Vice President,"

Best friends since childhood- a Doki Doki  Literature club Novel, editing/doneWhere stories live. Discover now