Choosing a club,part one

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Toby's Pov

   It had been a month and two weeks since he broken up with the girl. Toby had never forgiven himself for breaking up with Sayori,but not as a boyfriend. He had stabbed her in the back , telling the teenager that it wasn't going to work out. All because Jack promised him a spot on the Sports Club, he lied. "You did a good thing by breaking up with Sayori," Jack told him. Toby really felt bad, he'd wished he didn't. " Come on Toby, you were only nice to Sayori because she has no friends," George called behind him.

        Toby gave no response, he didn't want to talk to ether of them. George ran up behind Toby to catch up with the boy with the blue died hair. They were about half way to school when he heard Jack whispered " I'm glad that he's not friends with Sayori anymore, she just so weak and pathetic," " Agreed,"George stared. " No wonder why we bullied her when we were younger, just like you said she was pathetic," All of sudden, he stopped and turned around at the two teenage boys. His face glared with angry, love and compassion. " How dare you! Say something about Sayori like that!" Toby snapped as he just stared his rant " She is the most lovable, caring, and kind hearted person I have ever met," " If you saw what I saw in her then, maybe you two wouldn't be assholes!"

        The boys were silent after what Toby had said to them, it was about five minutes after when Jack said " Fine then," " You have a choice Toby," The Sports Club president growled " You can ether join my Sports Club or go with your lovable friend," He huffed, Toby had always wanted to be apart of that club and be at the top rank. Sayori she had shown him nothing but, kindness and friendship. " I..................choose Sayori," Toby lowered his head as he spoke. Jack smirked and George looked surprised " Good luck with getting her to be your friend again," Jack said as he walk with George.

        Toby just stood there in shock, he just told Jack he didn't want to be apart of his club. He chose Sayori over fame and popularity, he loved her more than a friend. What could he do, go tell her he's sorry? " I love Sayori," He whispered to himself. " Toby," a girly voice said in love. He twisted  over his shoulders and saw Sayori, someone else was with her." I'll see you later," The girl said as she passed him. The girl with strawberry blonde hair stepped forward. " Listen Sayori....... I'm sorry," Toby started but before he finished she finished his thought.

        " I know you are ," She looked into his eyes " I saw you, stick up for me when Jack was talking behind my back and that you chose me over, him," Toby stopped as he looked into her eyes, they were beautiful just like ocean. How could he say that he loved her! " I know your sorry and I forgive you," She said. Sayori grabbed his shoulders and hugged him. At first Toby was a little bit confused and nervous, then relaxed as they finished the hug.

        When Sayori let go, she looked back up at with a shy smile on her face " Can you do one small favor for me," He looked back at her and said " Of course," " I want you to come to the literature club with me after school," She said with grin. Toby nodded his head and said " Yes Sayori, I will come with you to the club,"

Best friends since childhood- a Doki Doki  Literature club Novel, editing/doneWhere stories live. Discover now