New leadership,part 2

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Sayori's pov

Sayori still wished Monika was hear to talk to her, even though Toby was always having a talk with her at the end of the week. One month had passed since Monika left, making Sayori President of the Literature club. It wasn't easy to lead the club, someone would always fight or the Sports club would be mad at the other clubs. Even though Sam was the president things were similar. It just was a bad time for a new leader. 

         Sayori sighed as she sat down in a chair, there was nothing to do. " Whats, wrong Sayori," Toby said, while walking over to her. " There's nothing to do," Toby looked up at the clock and smiled " Well, lucky for you, it's time to go home,"  She got up from her seat, grabbed her backpack, then walked out the door.

    Sorry, for the chapter being so late, - Flamesparkwriter

Best friends since childhood- a Doki Doki  Literature club Novel, editing/doneWhere stories live. Discover now