Friends, part 3

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Sayori's pov

          Sayori walked in the small wooden door that lead to the Literature club. She sighed as, George came up to her with a big smile on his face. " Hey! Sayori," He said. " I was wondering maybe we should start a club of our own, you could be President and I could be the Vice President," Sayori looked down at her blue skirt, it wasn't very day she heard something like that, but she didn't want to leave the Literature club or Toby. " George, I....," " Don't say no more," George cut her off. " The best part is, if you start the club with me Sayori then I will be your Boyfriend~,"

              She was schocked. " No, I don't want this! I love the Literature Club, and hanging out with Toby just makes me feel......good," the teenager thought to herself. " George!" Sayori screamed which got his attention. " I'm sorry, but I love the Literature Club," George paused then looked at her with a smirk on his face " Can we still become closer, then we are?" " NO! I,,....I just don't want to be in a relationship yet," Sayori lied. The boy nodded his head and went back to go read his book.

            Sayori ran up behind Toby, she put her arms around his neck. "Sayori, what are you doing," The boy with amber eyes gasped. She smiled warmly at him then responded " Just hanging out with you,"the boy nodded then looked down at Sayori's uniform. " What are you looking at," She questioned. " It's  just, why don't you button your jacket?" " Um....reasons,"  she told him. " Really?" He smirked. Toby walked over and stared to button up her  blazer. He struggled as he was trying to hook the last button in. " Why won't this go in!" He growled at the piece of metal. " Hehe," Sayori giggled nervously.

" What's so funny?" Toby asked, then turned his gaze towards the girl with deep blue eyes. " It means my boobs are getting bigger," Sayori smiled a little. Toby stoped on what he was doing looked around the club to see if anyone heard that,and told her " Don't say that out loud," Toby whispered. He moved back down to his work, he'd finally got the button to fit. " There much better," Toby said. Sayori felt to warm and cozy to have the blazer buttoned. " It's stuffy!" Sayori complained. " Will how do you think the hot boys will want to date you," Toby sneered. Sayori couldn't handle it any longer, she'd unbuttoned the blazer and twirled in a circle. Toby giggled a bit, Sayori was glad she could make him happy.

" Well, If I had a boyfriend then he wouldn't let you do these kind of things," Sayori said sweetly to Toby. The boy smiled, then Sayori tripped on her shoes, and fell into Toby's arms. " S....sorry," Sayori said while blushing. Toby was bright as a tomato. " Are you two going to kiss," Natsuki called. The club stopped and stared at her and Toby with shocked glances, but Monika didn't seem shocked as pleased. "," Sayori responded breaking away from Toby.

The Literature Club ended for the rest of day, Sayori was saying goodbye to Yuri, then she would walk home with her best friend. " Hey Sayori I'll be right there, George needs to talk to me," Toby told the girl with the red bow. She nodded her head then skipped out the door waiting for Toby. " Listen to me Toby! I will get Sayori if you like it or not, I'm closer to her now then you'll ever  be," George hissed at the other male. " It's for Sayori to decide, not you, I will love her and support her even if she wants to be with you," Toby said to the shorter teenager. Sayori couldn't handle this anymore, she ran all the way home with out Toby, and locked herself in her bedroom. " What do I do! My mom's dead, my dad abuses me,Toby and George won't stop bricking over me," She cried. " Will, there's always one to solve this promble, and that is to kill your self ," A voice said in the back of Sayori's head. Maybe committing suicide will help.

Best friends since childhood- a Doki Doki  Literature club Novel, editing/doneWhere stories live. Discover now