Couple, part 3

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Toby's pov

Toby was holding hands with Sayori as they entered his house. Toby's parents had learned about the girls father being abuse to her, and invented her to stay at his house. They both walked up to his bedroom, and sat on his bed. He looked over to his girlfriend, she looked really sleepy as Sayori put her head on Toby's shoulder. " Tried?," Toby asked her. His response was a groan. He placed a kiss on her forehead, Sayori smiled a little then fell asleep. Toby moved her on the pillow, then went to go get his homework.

     Two hours passed by when Sayori woke up from her nap. " How did you sleep?" Asked Toby. " Ok," she responded. He moved on the bed,and sat next to Sayori while squeezing her hand. Toby's younger brother Patrick who was in 7th grade walk by, he saw his brother holding hands with his best friend. " Toby, and Sayori sitting in a tree K I S S I NG, first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the baby in the baby carriage," Sayori giggled little bit, Toby sighed his family knew he was dating her. He stood there singing the song again.

        The only way to get him stop was to kiss Sayori, while she was still being giggly, Toby moved closer towards her. Once he was really close to her, he planted kiss on her cheek. Sayori stopped laughing, and blushed a bright red. Patrick smirked, then starred at them. " Don't you have something better to do?" Toby asked him. The bother took that as a warning to leave, and did not bother them for the rest of the day. " Sorry about that," Toby smiled. " It's ok, he's just trying to make fun of you," Sayori laughed.

     Since there was only three beds rooms in Toby's house, Sayori had to share a room with Toby. His parents had bought a mattress,blankets, and pillows, they put it on his bedroom floor. Toby put on his pjs which was a white shirt, and black pants. He sat in his bed reading the book in his hands. " What are you reading?" Sayori asked Toby turned his gaze towards her, Sayori was wearing a pink, with gray pants. " Sherlock," Toby responded. She nodded her head, then Toby turned off the lights and went to sleep.

In the middle of the night he felt something or someone pushing him. Toby opened his eyes to see Sayori. " Toby, I had a bad dream," She whispered to him. Toby moved back a little, then said " Come here Sayori," The girl laid down on the bed next to him. He looked down at her " Do you want to sleep here tonight?" She nodded her head. Toby pulled her next to him. " Here, snuggle next to me," Then they both fell asleep in each other arms.

Best friends since childhood- a Doki Doki  Literature club Novel, editing/doneWhere stories live. Discover now