Friends,part 4

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   The days passed by as Sayori was thinking  about "Happy thoughts" poking at the food that she was making for her dad. She really didn't know what happen to her mother, the police had come by saying that she died on the way to her sister's house. They weren't sure what had caused it.  The teenage girl had finished making the grilled cheese, and put it on her dad's side of the table. She sat down fiddling with her fingers, as her dad ate his sandwich. There was no talk at the table, and Sayori was getting hungry, she did not have a meal in three days.

" Dad?," Sayori asked shyly, but nervous. Her dad looked up from his dinner, with the food still in his mouth. " What," He responded. Sayori swallowed, this could go good or bad. " Can, I have something to eat, I haven't had anything to eat for three days," Sayori asked him. Sayori's dad stopped chewing, and gave a look that he was mad. " You don't pay the bills, you don't go to work, so no!" Her Dad spat at her. Five minutes later her Dad finished the grilled cheese, and grabbed a beer.

  He was a alcoholic, that's why Sayori never got feed because he was drunk. She pushed in the chairs, and cleaned the dishes. Then sat at the wooden table finish homework. As she was finishing her English, Sayori saw her Dad sprint to the bathroom. Now was her chance, Sayori jumped out of her seat, went into the cabinets and grab as much food as she could. The girl placed snacks in her backpack and zipped it up. Luckily at that time the man of the house came out of the rest room, and sat back down in his chair.

  It just wasn't fair! Why did she have to starve? Was it because of something she'd done or was it just him. It didn't matter because Sayori already had bad depression her whole life. It seemed now suicide was the only answer to solve her problem.

Best friends since childhood- a Doki Doki  Literature club Novel, editing/doneWhere stories live. Discover now