Bonus, Chapter for 157 followers

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Toby's pov

   Toby entered Sayori's house. He had not seen her since yesterday afternoon. He climbed up the stairs, and knocked on Sayori's door. " Sayori? It's time to wake up," He said. No response. Toby tried again,  but the girl did not say anything.

He opened the door, and saw Sayori she was trying to kill her self. Her eyes had blood dripping down from them, as she clawed at the rope. "Sayori!" He gasped. He ran over to her, and untied the noose from her neck. Then Toby put her down on the floor next to the bed.

This can't be happening ! Sayori would never hurt herself. Toby reached for her hand, it felt icy cold. Tears dropped from his eyes, pain and sorrow came right through him. How could I've been so selfish all these years! It's my,fault.

        Toby closed his weeping eyes. Please come back to me. All of a sudden the sound of wheezing filled the air. He looked up , and saw Sayori coughed up blood. She's alive! " Sayori whispered.

      Toby quickly gave her a hug. She seemed shocked, then calmed down. " I love you, Sayori," Toby told her. " I love you too, Toby," Sayori cried. They both pulled away from the hug and Sayori explained that she had her whole life. depression.

    Toby could't help himself anymore, he loved her to much not to do this. Toby leaned towards her face, and kissed her on the lips.

Best friends since childhood- a Doki Doki  Literature club Novel, editing/doneWhere stories live. Discover now