Trouble,part 3

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Sayori's pov

Days had passed, since Toby and Sayori over heard Jack's plan to break them up. Sayori slipped passed Jack as she walked to the literature club, but he grabbed her by the collar. Then pulled her down on the floor. " Where do you think your going," Jack asked the girl. " To class," " I don't think so," He reached into his back pocket pulling out a sharp object from the shadows. Once she could see the object clearly, Sayori saw it was a knife in his hands. She quickly moved back towards the wall. Jack noticed this, and smirked at her.

" What? You don't like my knife?" He coed. Sayori shivered he was scaring her, she didn't like it. " oooo~ don't worry Sayori soon you'll be dead," Tears ran down her face, she didn't want to die! It wasn't fair. Jack lifted the weapon in the air, and looked down at her. " Before I kill you, do me once small favor, tell my sister I said hi," Jack growled. Sayori could feel her demise near, she didn't know why Jack wanted to do this nor did it look like he wanted revenge on her, but on someone else.

        Jack was about to kill her when two shapes appeared, who were Toby and with him was George. " Jack, stop don't do this," Toby yelled at him. The president of the sports club turned his head, to see the two boys. " George you traitor! You'll pay for telling him!" George moved closer to Jack, until they were only little ways apart. " I don't care, if you outcast me or hurt me. I mad a mistake joining you,I should have not done it," " Your pathetic then," Jack turned his gaze towards Toby. " As for you, I'm still upset that you took my sister away from me, so now I'll take something very dear away from you,"

   " Good bye Sayori," Jack put the knife in the air again and this time he swung it down towards her. She closed her eyes but nothing went threw her. When she opened her eyes, she saw George standing over her, blood dripping down from him, then he collapsed on the ground. Jack tried again, but this time Toby pushed him to the ground " Get out of here, before I harm you," Toby hissed. Sayori looked to see were George's cut was, to her surprise it was in the middle of where his heart was.

        " Toby," Sayori cried then leaned into him. " T....Toby, Say.....Sayori, before I.....died, I have something to," George coughed which was blood. " I'm....sorry....for....what.....I......did to you. I wasn't jealous, but really wanted power, when the truth was told, and I decided to leave the club I didn't want to, but I learned friendship, I'm sorry," Toby looked at Sayori, and she nodded her head at him. " We forgive you George," Toby told him. He smiled " Promise me one thing......never leave each other, your meant for each other,"

        Then he took his final breath and died. Sayori quickly put her arms around Toby, tears rushed down from her eyes. " Is there anything we can do?" Sayori whispered to the boy. She looked up and saw he was crying too. Toby paused, then chocked " No, Sayori, it's written in stone,"

Best friends since childhood- a Doki Doki  Literature club Novel, editing/doneWhere stories live. Discover now