Trouble, part 1

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Toby's pov

     When Toby woke up, he saw Sayori on his bed. The boy was spooning her close to his chest. He brushed back her strawberry blonde hair, and looked at her.   " How did I get so lucky, just to have her by my side," Toby had always known, George never wanted to be with girl. He saw Sayori opened her eyes, turn towards him. " Are you still tried?" He asked. " Yea, I am,". He softly smiled at her. " You got to get up," Toby whispered in her ear.  " But it's the weekend," Sayori complained at him.

    " I know,but all the clubs are meeting today, like you told me they meet once a month,"
     " Why did I tell you that," Sayori asked.
" Because you love me, and you can't deny it Sayori," The boy teased her.
    Sayori huffed, then removed herself from her boyfriend arms, and grabbed her clothes. Then went to the bathroom to go get changed. At the same time Toby put his uniform on, and waited for Sayori to come back.
" Ready to go," Toby asked once she entered the room.
" I guess so," she mumbled very quietly, so no one could hear her.

        The meeting was about to start in five minutes as they both walked over to were the literature club sat. Monika was already on the stage talking to the other presidents, while Natsuki was the first one there. She waved her hand as she saw Toby, and Sayori walking towards her.
" Where's Yuri?" Toby asked.
" She's running a little late,I think," Natsuki responded.
" Why were you, and Sayori almost late, not fucking around I hope," The girl with the pink hair girl joked.
" Natsuki," He whispered in anger.
Yuri had finally showed up two minutes before they would start, then everyone gathered around.

    The first to speak of the leaders was Mat President of the nerd/geek club. He just told everyone, that they got two new members this month who were Bella, and Mickey. The next to speak was Jaiden president of the arts club, she didn't have much to say expect that they got a new person to join,her name was Tiffany ( not a refinance from " The Ink Flows Down Into A Dark Puddle") Finally it was Monika's turn to talk.

     " Well, The Literature Club got one new member, and his name Toby,"
        That's all she had to say, then Jack came up to speak.
         " Sport club, has one new member, his name is George, I would also like to say our Vice President John has been kicked out of the club because he dated a outcast named Rose, George is our new Vice President.
        Toby felt angrier come though him, even he would make a better Vice President than George, he thought Jack was done, but he had something else to say.

        " As you all know, outcasts are not allowed to be dating club kids, while two members of the literature club have broke this," Jack yelled to all the clubs.
         " What are you talking about?" Monika questioned.
        " Toby used to be an outcast," Jack stared
         " And," Monika cut him off.
        " Your Vice President, Monika has been dating him," Jack smirked.
        Monika looked about to speak again, but a different voice cut in the fight it was Sayori.

        " How dare you say that!" Sayori yelled at him
        " Toby is not an outcast! He's part of the literature club," The Vice President of the growled.
        " Of course you would stick up for him Sayori, after all your dating him," George told her.
        " ALL RIGHT! Mat screamed.
        " last time I checked it didn't matter on who someone dates, it's the sports club decision if they want to make that there rule. It does not apply to the other clubs. Jack! Other than that, I think it's time we close off," Mat said calmly.

                Why did Jack, and George even care he wasn't even apart of the sports club.

Best friends since childhood- a Doki Doki  Literature club Novel, editing/doneWhere stories live. Discover now