Hurt,part 2

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Sayori's pov

        Sayori put the piece of rope in her hands. Then walked over to wear she had put the chair and hung it over the celling. Is this what I really want? Do I want to die, so that I can be happy? The girl collapsed on the floor crying streams of tears. The thought of dying did not sound pleasing, but what choice did she have. Her dad was abusive, her mother was gone, her mom's and father's family did not like her, and then.........there was Toby the only light in her world. Sayori stood up and slowly walked over to the chair.

            She up her right foot on, then her left, until she was fully on it. Sayori grabbed the rope, and placed it around her neck,then pushed the chair with her feet so it could be out of the way. Two minutes passed, and Sayori was still alive, but her breathing was decreasing every second. Wait! I don't want to died. I got to get this rope off me! The girl moved her hands up trying to get it off, but the more she clawed at the material the closer she was to her death. Sayori's vision was getting blurry,she couldn't breath. " Sayori," a voice gasped. The girl could not see the person clearly, but knew by the voice it was male. Then she passed out.  

Sayori felt something squeezing her hand, she opened her eyelids a little and saw Toby holding her fingers. He looked liked he was just crying. " Toby?" Sayori coughed " happened," instead of getting a response from the boy, he wrapped his arms around her. Then he let go, she could tell he looked worried. " You, tried to kill yourself. Toby started. " I...I...I....I,couldn't let that happen, so I went over, and helped you out of the rope,"

" Thanks," Sayori whispered, but the boy seemed he had a second question to ask. " Sayori," He paused then went on, " Why.....why did you try to hurt yourself," She sighed then looked up at Toby, " Let me start from the beginning," Sayori explained to him that she had depression her whole life, her mom died in a car accident, her dad was a alcoholic, and abused her. " That's my full story, I'm sorry, I didn't tell you, I just didn't want anyone to worry about me,"

     Toby didn't respond again, but leaned in to Sayori's face, and kissed her on the lips. Sayori was shocked she had always thought Toby liked her as a friend, " He must like me more than that," When Toby had pulled away from her lips He said " Sayori, I love you more than a friend, I want to be more than best friends," Her eyes glowed with love and compassion for him. " I love you to Toby," Sayori smiled " I want to be more than friends too," he leant out his hand, so he could help her get up. Once Sayori was on her feet he asked " So, are we a thing now," She looked at him and said " Yes, I'm with you,"

Best friends since childhood- a Doki Doki  Literature club Novel, editing/doneWhere stories live. Discover now