Choosing a club, part 3

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Monika's POV

            Monika walked into the Literature club while talking with Natsuki. " Why is Sayori even bringing a new member, we all ready have four people in this club," Natsuki growled to Monika. She didn't understand why Nastuki was acting like this maybe it was, that the new member was a boy. " Nastuki, are you hungry," Monika joked. The pink haired girl growled as she went to go sit in a seat. " Sorry, I'm late!" A girl with purple hair said. " Your right on time Yuri," Monika smiled. Yuri nodded her head went to go sit next to Natsuki.

        " This is the Literature Club," Sayori said as she walk in. Monika turned around at the sound of her Vice President's voice. Monika saw the boy Sayori was telling her about. She smiled at the male with brown short hair and amber eyes. " Wait! Your the girl I saw when I stuck for Sayori," The boy said with a questionable grin. " Yes, I'm Monika president of the Literature Club," she said proudly. " Those two girls are Yuri and," " I can introduce myself Monika! Natsuki said. " I'm Natsuki," The boy smiled at all of them " Nice to meet you all, I'm Toby," " I forgot to mention Toby, I'm Vice President," Sayori smiled while looking at her feet. He nodded his head and, then went to go talk to Yuri and Natsuki.

        " Sayori, I need to talk to you," Monika told the girl with strawberry blonde hair. She didn't say a word followed Monika out into the hallway. " You look depressed," Monika stared. " What's wrong," Sayori huffed then looked up at Monika. " It's my Parents, there always fighting, they never stop, and when I try to stop their fighting they, hit me," Monika did not know what to tell Sayori, maybe she could help some how. " Is that why you keep falling asleep in math," Monika asked her. The teenager with the red bow nodded her head.

She walked towards Sayori and wrapped her arms around the other girl. Monika pulled her in for a hug, Sayori started to cry on Monika's shoulders, and the President patted Sayori on the back. " Do you want me to come over your house after school to help you?" Monika asked the Vice President. " Y...yea, I would like that," Sayori whispered to her peer.  She removed her arms away from Sayori and stared walking back with her to the Literature club room.
As Monika and Sayori walk into the room holding hands, Natsuki looked up at them and smirk " I didn't know you two where a couple," That caught the attention of Yuri and Toby and they looked shocked. " Sayori, I didn't know you were gay," Toby told her. She casted a glance at Toby then said " No! I'm not gay, and Monika going to help me with math when I get home," Sayori said sounding mad. " hpm, really?" Natsuki scoffed. " Yes, I am going to help Sayori with math, and nothing else," Monika told the pink haired girl. The president looked up at the time it was 4:59. " It's time to go," Monika called.

     She waited outside the door for Sayori, when she came out of the room the strawberry blonde looked upset and a little disappointed. " What's  wrong," Monika asked her. "Nothing," Sayori whispered as she and Monika walk to her house . " Something was wrong and I'm going to find out what it is," Monika thought to herself, as Sayori opened her house door with a key.

Best friends since childhood- a Doki Doki  Literature club Novel, editing/doneWhere stories live. Discover now