New leadership, part 3

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Sayori's POV

It was the morning  and Sayori just had woke up. She stretched her arms then went down the stairs, to go find Toby, but he was not in the living room, not even in the kitchen. " Maybe he went some where," Sayori shrugged as she sat down on the couch. It really didn't concern her that he wasn't in the house, after all he did wake up really early in the morning, but sometimes he slept in.

Three hours had passed and Toby had not returned. Sayori had tried calling him and texting him, but he did not respond to her. " Where is he?" Sayori wondered as she paced back and forth in the living room.  All of a sudden her phone rang, she looked at the number and saw it was Toby's she picked up." Hello? Toby?" Sayori asked in a panic. " Hi Sayori, I guess your wondering where your boyfriend is," The voice sounded very familiar, like someone's she already knew. " I killed him," " Who are you!" Sayori yelled in to the phone. " You know exactly who I am,"

Than the person on the other line hung up. Sayori fell to her knees sobbing. "He's gone, but how could that be? He said he would always be there for me, or did it just feel like that." I feel like I've lost everything," Sayori thought in her head. " I need to move past this I can't hold to everything that has happened. " It's not my fault, it's Jack's fault. " He killed George, then Toby," " I'm going to fix this mess,"

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