Hurt, part 1

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Toby's pov

Sayori had been acting weird lately, ever since George had talked to him. Toby was getting worried she was always bubbly, and a ball of sunshine. Now the girl sat at one of the desks in the Literature club, with a pink easer fiddling in her hands. He looked around to find Monika organizing the poems for the festival. Toby swallowed as he slowly approached the club president hoping that she could find away to fix this.

"Monika," Toby asked. The girl with green eyes turned around, and smiled at him. "Ah,Toby what do you need," said the president. "It' about Sayori, she looks very......depressed," Toby told her. Monika's smile turned into a frown " She's always been this way, you've just never seen it," Toby sighed as he looked deeply sad. Monika placed a hand on him " why don't you go talk to her,"

   Toby nodded, then turned his gaze towards Sayori who look dead deep inside her soul. " Toby," Sayori turned her gaze towards him." Yes," Toby said. " Tell Monika, didn't feel good, and I went home," She told him. He responded with " Of course," Sayori grabbed her bags, and left the club. What's wrong with her?

Best friends since childhood- a Doki Doki  Literature club Novel, editing/doneWhere stories live. Discover now