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So before I start this chapter I have something to say. the picture at the top is made by me.

Toby's pov

Toby was playing at the playground with his best friends George and Jack. They were all in pre school, and had met each other at school. " Tag, your it," George squealed. " No fair," Toby wined. But the other child ran off before he could say anything else.

   All of a sudden something bumped into him. " Sorry," a voice said. He turned around, and saw a girl from his class, she had strawberry blonde hair,blue eyes, and a red bow. "It's ok,"
" I'm Toby, I've seen you in my class,"  she smiled then said " Well I'm Sayori, it's nice to meet,"

Best friends since childhood- a Doki Doki  Literature club Novel, editing/doneWhere stories live. Discover now